octopus skimmer


just want to share my experiance with the octopus hb-100. small HOB on my 65g. so i have been running just a emperor 300 since i started this tank a year ago, also just got a dog so have been neglecting my tank a little and thought it deserved a gift, recently got into corals so thought better/more filtration was in order. this skimmer cost $135 at the LFS and i have read there prety good for there cost. this is what happened: setup-very easy pertty much plug and play.
making some foam

after 4 hours from first plug in

overnight skimmate

that was 4 days ago and i have been empying the collection cup every other day. i get a lot of liquid where i thought it would b more slime type stuff maybe i just need to adjust the cup hight ? also going to try the mesh mod for more foam fun when i get the time.
and a shot of the new dog

2 year old greyhound rescued


New Member
Beautiful dog.
I just bought an Octopus skimmer for my tank and hopefully it will work as good as yours. Glad I did my research on here before I bought. I was gonna go with a seaclone but with the name octopus...why not?


ya i did get it at reef creation. i head tims hortons has nicotine in the coffee to make it addicting
one of the good things bout being near canada rest of the country is missing out big time

matt b

Active Member
The only filter I have on my 75 SPS reef is a octopus HOB bh-300f. And its AMAZING. It looks like the cpr but NOTHING like it


New Member
Have you had any trouble with a vibration noise with your hb-300f?
I just got mine and I have a bad vibration noise?


Does anyone know the best way to extend the pump deeper into a sump? My skimmer sits on the edge and it barely is under water so the bubbles are rather lacking.


gregmedic-no problems with noise.
rzande1-u can prob get PVC peices to extend the pump from any hardware store