odd balls


i have a 55 gallon tank with odd balls. i have a sea goblin and a cockatoo wasp fish in there does any one have any iadeas what else i can put in with them. i was hoping to find a yellow sea goblin but cant find one. i was thinking of a crocdile fish. any help would be thankful


well fishnerd do you have any other suggeustions. iam into the odd stuff. i was thinking about a sea robin to. i looked at a stargazer but dont know about the shock it would put in the water. thanks for your help.


those oddballs are all ambush predators, and all will get along fine w/ other ambush predators as long as they are all about equal size. So really any small lionfish, leaffish, scorpionfish are good tankmates. if you got the bucks, consider stuff like rhinopias, ambon lions
Croc fish (often called flatheads) are awesome when small, but can get around 2ft long (depends on the species).
What i find is that its been extremely difficult to get oddball fish, so you getting a popeyed seagoblin is an excellent start. i take it your feeding the tank live ghost shrimp as food


yes i feed them ghost shrimp because i have a tank of wild sea horses and i have to feed them live food. we have had the sea horses for 2 years now. i buy 500 ghost shrimp every 2 weeks. i found the croc fish on line. i got my sea goblin on line from pen. we live on a island and it is easier to get fish on line then go to the mainland to get them. thanks for your help.i like the anglers and a stone fish to.


i live on a island called south bass island. it is in the middle of lake erie ohio. we have 350 people that live here year around. in the summer it goes way up. thats why i get my fish on line.


Active Member
woah! a searobin!! If you want one, get a rode and go to thelongisland sound with a hook and a dozen sandworms at low tide. They gegt pretty big for a 55 gallon though, especualy if you dont have a breeder. That is, unless you are talking about some other type of searobin or a nickname for the fish i know over here as one....


i have found a sea robin on line. i just want fish nobody else has. i found dolpin fish to. so if you have any ideas they would be appreciated. i just like odd balls.thanks gary


ive seen them they are were weird. ive seen them on line but never in a store. but they are hard to find but i can get one. i was also thinking of was a cult fish but you can not have anything with them. thanks for your help gary