odd clown behavior?


I was wondering what would cause a fish ( in this case a tomato clown) to constantly hang out behind the lip of a hang on filter where the water is flowing back into the tank. Does it have something to do with the current in the tank. I thought at first that it might be temporary hiding spot or a "safe feeling" sleeping spot but he really doesnt come out from behind there. I have plenty of live rock/hide out spots in the tank and my filter/skimmer is turning 400g/hr in a 29 gal.
Thought I would also post this on the main board, didn't know if this was just a wierd clown trait?


Active Member
Are there no anemones in the tank?
Thats obviously where the fish feels safe. Would you blame a fish for not wanting to hide around live rock in the wild? I mean.. thats where crabs and mantis shrimp lurk! I'd take the filter any day!


Active Member
now your going to make her feel like she needs an anemone. which means she would need to get mh lights and then since you have the lights you might as well get clams and corals. this same chain of events led me to spending thousands of dollars. and then the fish probably wouldnt host in the anemone anyway. mine just hangs out in the xenias which is why i got rid of my anemone. that and it tried to eat my seahorse. ive had clownfish that love the current and play in it. you could try moving the rock around a little or very carefully as to not stress the fish nudge him out from behind there maybe he will get the hint


Active Member
No, you dont need a anemone for a clown. I was asking if a anemone was present. You also dont need MH for all anemones. A condy and a tomato can take to each other and you can keep a condy successfully with good wattage VHO's/PC's.
In captivity a clown does not >need< a anemone. In the wild however......


I dont have an anemone, or MH as I am pretty new to all of this. I do intend however to get both when my tank is more established... (oh yeah and when I know more about what the heck I am doing.) Is there a certain type of coral that he would like other than the zenia? He is, well should be, by far the most aggressive thing in the tank. but is the general consensis that he is using it as a hiding place for safty rather than my needing to change the flow of the tank?


Active Member
Sometimes clowns will host some coral.. but I wouldnt buy a certain coral for that because it doesnt happen often.
He just thinks that area is a safe place to be. No need to change anything because of that.