odd clownfish behavior


I am a newbie, but thought I'd post in this particular forum because my question just concerns one fish.
I have a 75 gal fish only set up and one ocellaris clown fish, no anemone. About 3-4 days ago the clown started staying up at the top of the tank, and I thought it might have swin bladder problems, but then this morning, I sat on the floor to get a really good look at the tank, and it looks like the clown is guarding a clutch of eggs deposited right at the top of the water line against the side of the tank, under the rim.
Do you think this may be possible? My very good local fish store had this little clown in a 40 gallon with 2 other clowns in it. Could it have been the dominant female in the prior tank and laid some eggs in mine? And I guess it won't be able to change back to male in enough time, will it? Or do they go back and forth like that? Once a clown changes from male to female, does it ever go back?


it is possible; is the fish you have bigger than the one at the pet store?
if so i would go pick up the other one because he has to come and fertalize the eggs !!


Active Member
Stranger things have happened. Since they're unfirtilized she will just mouth them and eat the dead ones until they're gone.
They don't change back. Almost always if you put a single one in a tank it will go girl.