Odd "cycle" cycle.


Ive been up and running a week..55 gallon, small amout L/R, 80# L/S, I used "cycle" stuff and seem to have cycled. (I had also used water and filter media from an established tank)
I have 5 damsels and a Yellow tang..all doing well, water parameters are fine, 0 Ammonia and Nitrites, small amount of Nitrates.
Heres my Q..I'm now getting Diatoms, the stuff grows fast! Can I get my cleanup crew this soon? Im really not sure what to get, Ive read about snails that tip over, nasty cucumbers, etc. Will the tang bother the snails?
Thanks guys..


Active Member
Its not unusual for a tank to cycle that fast or at all when using live rock and sand to start it. I would wait another week to make sure your tank is some what stable then add a few astrea snails.


With what you have used to cycle the tank it might be finished, and I say might, wait a week or so and make sure that it is done, then add some snails, and the yellow tang should not bother the snails. good Luck