i walked in to enjoy a nice view of my tank when i noticed somethin very strange. my bubble coral had hermit in its mouth! the hermit didnt have its shell, it was lying next to the bubble coral. anyone ever heard of this?
kinda interesting, it sounds like it may be a molt, i would keep an eye on that shell and make sure a freshly molted crab doesnt pop out.. i find it impossible that a bubble coral would be able to pull a crab neatly out of its shell and leave it sitting neatly beside while it goes to town on the crab.... but u never know
i checked it today when i woke up and i think i know what happened. the hermit crab probably molted and was looking for a new shell, he then stumbled over the bubble coral's mouth wich proceeded to try to eat him. but thats just a guess. that or the hermit went over the bubble coral's mouth and it fell out of the shell as it was struggling to get free.