Odd light question... are you smart?


Okay, i am setting up a 2.5 gallon Pico tank that has been sitting around for a while. I have decided that i am going to use it as a frag tank. Here is my question about what lights to use.
I first went and bought one of those little "blue bulbs" at walmart in the fish section (rated 25 watts) but it is a piece of crap. I also bought some 26w (equal to 100watts) energy efficient bulbs rated at 6500k for the chaeto in my fuge.
Well i tried the blue bulb first and it sucked really bad. So just for sh&*s and giggles i tried to put the 26w (100w) bulb in the socket and it fit! Now i am just wondering if this is wayyyy too much light for this tank or will it be good for frags since it's only 6500k? I figured it might be bright but could maybe work? I could go and get the 60w/75w equivalent and try it out. Just wondering if the one i have right now is good enough?
FYI, i have a 250 MH 14k on my 44g DT. So they may be used to 'high' lighting.
What your thoughts?


Active Member
65k is a plant more like a plant bulb. corals like to blue side of the spectrum (rainbow) and plants on the other.....you wil grow algae with a 65k bulb and then they will smother your corals. Yes I am smart.....


Active Member
Yes the lower K value will give more potential for a bloom but it should be fine for coral.
Exception is the color of the bulb is ulgy yellowish. Use a blue sharpie to blue up the bulb a little and you should have a fine bulb for your little tank.
Might swap out for the smaller 13w version as the 26w is larger and might be too much for such a small tank.
-for the record I am NOT smart. Process of eleimination will show I am the dumbest person on this board.
Good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Use a blue sharpie to blue up the bulb a little and you should have a fine bulb for your little tank.
That has got to be the most rediculous thing I have heard today.....


LMAO.... y'all are too funny. Anyways, I also have a 10g that i am going to do as a frag tank as well.
I just had this PICO tank sitting there and wanted to do soemthing with it. So i though i would frag a mushroom and put it in there...
I went and got the 10w (40w equivalent) version for it. I guess i will try it out for a little while - maybe test both versions and see how it goes.
Thanks everyone - lol - except the one who said to take a blue sharpie to it...
no thank you too, at least you had some input


there was some one that used those for a light once i think it was reef for brains not entirely sur though


Active Member
Yes, actually they may grow better in a more natural sunlight color, they just probably won't stay nearly as colorful, corols tend to brown out under that spectrum. It's not too much light as long as the tank isn't overheating.


Originally Posted by petjunkie
Yes, actually they may grow better in a more natural sunlight color, they just probably won't stay nearly as colorful, corols tend to brown out under that spectrum. It's not too much light as long as the tank isn't overheating.
yeah, i plan on watching for the overheating part (i worried about that before), but i will watch carefully for color/vibrance to make sure everything is ok. I just wanted to know if the "power" would be ok for them...


"Daylight" (full spectrum) is what they get in the wild; I was just wondering if this was OK for an aquarium? It is a very short tank , so i thought maybe this was too much light for em. I thought that it being 6.5k, the corals would 'absorb' the higher end scale lighting more then the lower. Therefore, i think 100w would suffice for this small of a tank.


Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
65k is a plant more like a plant bulb. corals like to blue side of the spectrum (rainbow) and plants on the other.....you wil grow algae with a 65k bulb and then they will smother your corals. Yes I am smart.....
You are always so full of yourself, why? Do have an unusually high IQ? Nothing I have ever read that you have written has been notably remarkable or profound. Are you young?
I am just curious, and in no way mean to offend.
To the original poster,Your bulb could use a higher K value, but it all depends on how deep the tank is, how clear your water is, How turbid or wavy the water is, how long the light is on for, and a few other variables. It would help all of us to have a bit more info, and the blue sharpie thing-- totally viable.


Originally Posted by REEFER545
You are always so full of yourself, why? Do have an unusually high IQ? Nothing I have ever read that you have written has been notably remarkable or profound. Are you young?
I am just curious, and in no way mean to offend.
To the original poster,Your bulb could use a higher K value, but it all depends on how deep the tank is, how clear your water is, How turbid or wavy the water is, how long the light is on for, and a few other variables. It would help all of us to have a bit more info, and the blue sharpie thing-- totally viable.
I understand that it "should" have a higher k value. 6.5k is what i have now and i was wondering whether or not it would support corals. 100w is definitely more then enough - i was just wondering of the absorption rate and whether it would support livestock or not.
I really don't think the "blue sharpie" would serve its purpose - although the more i think about it, the more i wonder if it would work... lol.


I am also a firm believer that the 6.5k is more suited to a plant spectrum (I use it to grow my chaeto), so i wouldn't necessarily 'bash' anyone - I always appreciate the input. I just wanted to know if it can support mushrooms/GSP/KT and maybe other simple stuff i have.


support, yes. Will it cause any frag to truely flourish? probably not, but like I said, it all depends on the VARIABLES. More info is needed to give you a better answer.


Maybe this can be considered part of a test for others...
I will try it out / post some pics / and see what yall think of it.
Thanks for all the input.