odd royal gramma?


just got a royal gramma yesterday acclimated him for a bit over an hour seems great today...eats but one thing i noticed he sometimes swims on his side...and hovers straight up and down parrellel to my heater is this normal...he does venture away sometimes and swims normally and eats....alot but i jsut wanted to know if this is normal or not..looks healthy to me


Active Member
Yeah, this happens with fish sometimes when first added, have no idea why though, my gramma did the same thing for a day or 2.

michael r

Actually I've read that Grammas do it all the time. It's perfectly normal, and just part of their interesting behaviour.


Active Member
i had the same thing happen to my maroon goldbar clownfish!

i have no idea why he did it but about 2 weeks later he left the heater and ventured out into the rest of the tank


Active Member
Do you have a sandbed where he can dig down under a rock and make a cave? Maybe he just needs a good piece of rental property?

michael r

No, no, I swear. If you do some reading online you'll see that many people are at first surprised by this behaviour. There is nothing wrong - It's a perfectly happy Gramma


Royal grammas tend to be somewhat seclucive animals...I would say mine is in direct sight only about 1/3 of the time. They hide in rockwork for the most part. Mine continues to swim on his side alot. Interestingly, if i turn off the powerheads for a few minutes, he takes advantage of that and swims around alot more.
Notice how they sprint VERY quickly with all fins and pectoral fins flush with their body, adn then slam on the brakes by extending all fins at once. This happens in the blink of an eye and is very entertaining.


Active Member
Mine is out most of the time and very sociable. Now that is a different story at feeding time. He is a big pig and will chace off the other fish at that time but they all hold their own in my tank and are all out most of the time, even my pair of firefish.