odd starfish? or hitchhiker?


Hi. I was looking at my rock this morning and spotted something very odd moving along the bottom of a cliff sort of thing..
It looked like a starfish until I saw it was missing it's bottom two legs! Then I noticed it didn't look like a starfish in the way it moved. What would this be? It is brown and looks a little bit fuzzy. Any ideas would be great! I already got it out of my tank, it's in a net now. I don't want to get rid of him if he's beneficial...but if he's bad


Thank you! That's exactly what I have! :cheer: mine is brown with three arms...hmmm I guess that means there might be another...well I've only noticed one. I'll get rid of them/him if he/they start(s) to damage things! :jumping:
Thanks again!


the same thing happened to me and I thought it was cool having a "baby" starfish. 3 months or so after that I noticed they were everywhere, I have picked off at least 150 of them since. since they reproduced so rapidly in my 32 gal they really ate up on my coraline.


Active Member
I've got loads and have no issues. If you have a lot of them, to reconsider how much you are feeding...they are primarily surface film grazers and quite rarely do any damage, IMO.