odd thing about the lfs

When my tank was finished cycling i went to return my damsels at the lfs for credit. When I got there, the saleslady looked at it for 5 seconds, and said OK. She directly went to the tank holding the damsels and dumped the fish and the water in there
Is that the proper thing to do, mixing up my water with the stores own water?
Shouldn't she put them in a quarantine tank?
Anyways, the store's prices are really cheap. Most SW fish are $5 lower than any other store in the area. I wouldn't buy SW fish from there but I would buy supplies from them.
Just wanted to tell a story...


Active Member
no, of course she should have put it in a QT, and dumped your water. but, as I'm sure you know, this is pretty typical for a LFS. not even something that suprises me any more. At least they let you return things for credit, NONE of the LFS within an hour's drive will let me return ANYTHING for credit. It is pretty frustrating. There is only one store that even lets me GIVE them stuff.
Half the time I have to bag up my own fish/inverts at one LFS. Which doesn't bother me, since I have had inexperienced workers damage my livestock by being too rough. I had a guy that was scared to get pinched by an emerald crab, so I just reached in and picked it up and put it in the holding container.
It is a "local pet store" not just a LFS, not P*#co. So most of the workers have no clue about how to handle fish. So the behavior you described doesn't surprise me in the least.


Read newreefers post on this forum entitled "Everyone read this". And also her post in the reef tank forum entitled "help, my tank is crashing". That should tell you everything you need to know about lfs water, and mixing it with yours. In this case it's reversed, but better safe than sorry.