off topic a bit.. freshwater cichilids


I am stil going to continue working on my bio cube.. but.. i am going to start a large african cichilid tank.. I want a tank that is between 90-180 gallons. Does anyone know if I need to buy a tank that is drilled? like do I need to use a sump, protein skimmer, etc. if it is freshwater?


Active Member
no you dont but a good pump and filter will do the job like a good canister filter, chiclids are awsome i use to have a bunch they are agressive and eat ALL live plants they are very active my fav is the green sevrum tons of personality. reson for good pump is lots of poop and no plants you will need it but they are very hearty fish and are easy to care for
chichlids are great. some day i will start another cichlid tank. you do not need a protein skimmer, you can use a wet dry but a good canister will do fine.
I used to have Dempseys. I loved those damn fish. I have also kept firemouth, convicts, and african cichlids. cant wait til we add on to our house!more space=more tanks


Active Member
Ive kept all chiclids. A good canister will do fine. I would also go with african chiclids. We bought flat rocks a Home Depot. We made lots of caves and such. My favorite is the bumble bee or peacock.

cadillac swang

wow what kind of cichlids are you guys referring too i mean "canister", rocks with caves. :thinking:
well i have three 12" 1(african) 2(albino) cichlids, they hate anything in their tank. Such as anything to blow bubbles, are like a waterfall that creates bubbles, or alligators that create bubbles, or how bout the famous tubes that have to generate the bubbles. by the way anybody want these things free of charge their still sitting UNDERNEATH this particular aquarium.
Make sure you feed them gold fish (rosie red) great in protien just dont over do it, mine eat 150 in three days 1 mo, (too much protien rots the brain i heard) and i also feed them adult dog food (authority) from time to time, no joke. but no need for high powered supplys such as canisters, unless your lazy, but you will be doing frequent water changes when they start to grow.


Active Member
Dog food!! :notsure: !! :scared: !! Now you wont be able to sue if you fish die because of the recall or will you?

cadillac swang

hahaha, no, the dog food i purchase is not in question with recall so im good, but thanks for worring


Active Member
My dogs eat nutro and the wet food was on recall idk bout the dry!?! It scares me. Ohh well back to the topic

cadillac swang

found some kinda plastic contaiminets i think i heard that was placed instead of normal ingrediant for profit


it was a byproduct of makeing plastics that increase the protein levels in the wheat gluttin and was sold at a higher price because of it.
as far as the chiclids lots of filtration is a must they are nasty little buggers since they are conivours. Next thing is that even though they LOVE live foods like rosies and goldfish its not good for them and can carry in parasites and can take them out quickly. the ony way I feed live fish to my fish is when they come out of one of my other tanks IE when the guppy population gets to big the oscars and mawaii chiclids get a treat.

cadillac swang

Originally Posted by MichaelTX
it was a byproduct of makeing plastics that increase the protein levels in the wheat gluttin and was sold at a higher price because of it.
as far as the chiclids lots of filtration is a must they are nasty little buggers since they are conivours. Next thing is that even though they LOVE live foods like rosies and goldfish its not good for them and can carry in parasites and can take them out quickly. the ony way I feed live fish to my fish is when they come out of one of my other tanks IE when the guppy population gets to big the oscars and mawaii chiclids get a treat.
maybe thats true in some cases but ive had my fish for three years so i dont think it is in my situation but good input, by the way i wouldnt do anything to put my animals in danger for i love them all, i have two chinchillaz, 1 ferret, 1 blue pitt bull, 1 all black a.k.c. Pug, three 80 gall fish tank, 60 gallon, 50 gallon, and a 5 gallon, oh cant forget the siamese cat


thats kewl just stating that I havent and dont because of the risks of live foods.
you sound like me and my zoo
3 10 gallon tanks
1 20 gallon tank
2 29 gallon tanks
1 58 gallon reef
1 100 gallon FW aggressive tank
and 4 various size tanks not setup right now
3 dogs
2 cockateils
4 zebra finches
2 lady gouldians
1 domestic Rat named bubba in his 20 long tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown316
I am stil going to continue working on my bio cube.. but.. i am going to start a large african cichilid tank.. I want a tank that is between 90-180 gallons. Does anyone know if I need to buy a tank that is drilled? like do I need to use a sump, protein skimmer, etc. if it is freshwater?
to answer your questions, there are about 1500 different species of cichlids spread throughout the world having varying needs, so the best thing would be to decide exactly which ones you want to keep.
as far as the great majority of cichlids go, very basic filtration will work. I have 3 HOB filters on a 135 gallon for my African cichlids. a canister filter or wet/dry, any of that would work too. if you keep more fragile species like Discus, you definitely need top notch filtration.
cichlids from different regions should not be mixed together and cichlids from different lakes shouldn't be either. and generally, cichlids shouldn't be kept with non-cichlid fish.
all cichlids are generally aggresive, but not because they're carnivorous, because roughly 50% of cichlids in the world are herbivorous. Central American cichlids are particularly nasty during breeding and because of that, you have to be carefull how you stock. if you have a convict cichlid, only have one or be prepared for a pair to kill all the tank's other fish once they start breeding. African cichlids on the other hand are aggresive because of territory and therefore should be heavily stocked so that aggression is spread throughout the community and no one fish can take over a territory as their own. Oscar are large carnivorous cichlids, so you should plan on a species only tank.
basically what I'm saying, pick which cichlids you want to keep and then find out what they need. different cichlids also prefer different PH levels and cichlids from the 3 African lakes prefer different levels of salt (the 3 lakes aren't completely "freshwater").
I keep mbuna cichlids from Lake Malawi in Africa. the mbuna are 1 of 2 families of cichlids in Malawi (the other being Haps, which include peacocks). I have a few peacocks, but mostly mbuna. I have about 60 in a 135 gallon. they are primarily herbivorous and about 90% of what should be fed is algae, not meat, and definitely not goldfish. if you keep different fish from the same genus, they WILL hybridize, but a majority of the fry won't make it. hybrid cichlids are generally frowned upon in the aquarium trade. the Malawi ph is 8.2 (like saltwater) and slightly salty. there is cichlid salt that you can buy for this and it makes their colors shine. African cichlids will tolerate synodontis catfish, which are very interesting in their own right. I have a few of those as well. mbuna are very personalable and very hardy. where ich is the primary saltwater disease, the primary African cichlid disease is called "bloat". it is an intestinal ailment brought on by poor diet. if not treated, bloat will infect and kill the entire community. but it is very easily treated.


Cichilds do not need to be kept in species only tanks, but those from each region do need to be seperated because of their water requirements. Central american cichlids such as convicts, dempsys and such can do well in 7.0 ph. African species need a higher ph of 8.2. Cichlids such as discus and angels require a ph of 6.5 and warm water(78-82). What kind of cichlids are you looking to get?


New Member
are u looking 2 keep alot of them together or just 1 or 2 u want agresive or mild temperd such as the chicleds from lake tanganika or lake maliw if u keep them buy a lot of rock so they have alot of caves and they stay fairly small in terms of most chiclids about 6in. for males most of the females stay about 2 or 3in. and aint as atractive as the males and they are prolly the closest you will get 2 saltwater fish as far as there coloring goes and they aer easy 2 take care of i have a 100 g tank set up with just a big hob filter i do a 30% water chang once a week and vacume the gravel and they are good 2 go. or if u are looking for a big agresive chiclid i would reck amend a talapia buttakafrie aka butta but if u get one of them i would only keep it with it's own kind and no more then 2 or 3 cuz they get big they can get around 18 in. and let me tell u they are killing machines i had one kill 2 dempseys 3 oscers 2 convicts 1 bicher 2 green terrors (wich are another cool looking chicled) 1 tiger louch i pike chiclid and a 13in. moray eel (wich was sold 2 me as a fresh water eel) the only fish he hasn't killed was my peco and i don't feed him live fish you take the chance of interducing diseas 2 the tank mine love veggi and star fruit is his fav. if i do feed him fish i buy frozen silver sides or brine shrimp other then that i feed him dry chiclid food