OFF TOPIC: Baby almost due!


Just wanted to post and lety you all know that my wife is due April 14, and the doctors are telling us that she is very ready and could go into labor at any time. We are having a girl, Brianna Carol, and as this has been a difficult pregnancy with my wife's migraines, we would appreciate the prayers of those who pray for a safe and headache free delivery....
I'll post some pics once we have her! :-D


Good luck to you and your wife, Javajoe! I hope that all goes smoothly and quickly (but too quick to get to the hospital!). Wasn't it just a few months ago when we witnessed the birth of your tank? My how time flies ;)


God bless and best of luck! I have a 17 month old little girl through the miracle of artificial insemination and a C-section. You will be more proud than you ever thought you could be when you see that little one for the 1st time. :)


Congratulations JavaJoe! I'm wishing the very best for you and your wife! I hope the delivery goes smoothly and your baby is nice and healthy!!! :D
That's a beautiful name you have picked out too! ;)


I only have one word for your wife--
They are the best.
Both of you will have a whole new appreciation of your fish tank. We have 4 kids now (youngest being 5mo)Every one of them adored the tanks as babies, calms them and puts them to sleep. I spent alot of time in the middle of the night watching my tanks. I even moved the glider rocker into the middle of the living room faced parallel to the tank so they can be rocked while watching--you wouldn't believe the effects it has on a crabby baby. To this day when one of my kids can't sleep or has a nightmare or something, they just grab a pillow and lay on the couch to watch the fish, and they eventually fall back asleep. Thats why my tank lights are always on all night and off during the day. (good nightlight too, and you'll be needing one of those cause you will be up ALOT in the middle of the night.)
Good Luck to you both.
Congratulations!! I hope all goes well and my prayers are with you!
Maybe you could sneak her in front of your online cam of the tank for us one day!!!
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Active Member
One thing you've learned in this hobby is patience. You'll need it!
Best of Luck and we'll keep a good thought <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />


congradulation. My first boy is due May 27th, i guess i will be next - exciting and nervous. i have gone to childbirth preparation class and

feeding, next is parenting. i think i will pass out in the labor room.


Nothing will satisfy you more than watching your child grow...
We tried 6 long years with the help of infertility Dr's for our little girl. She's a miracle baby.
Our prayers are with you and we wish you all the luck and happyness for many years to come!


New Member
Best of luck. I have my 3 day old son in my arm right now. I can only type with one hand anyway. Conner Joseph weighed 8lbs 14oz. His mom is upstairs still trying to figure out his food source. Cant begin to describe how awesome this is. Enjoy your treasure. Our thoughts are with you.
<img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" /> javajoe. sleep now. you'll need it. pressure point (reflexology) your wife's feet during the contractions. it helps in reducing the contraction pain sensation even though the contraction levels are still elevated. ;) she will love you for it. pray for healthy, happy baby. and don't wear anything that can be ripped from your person in "DELIVERY RAGE" and make sure she has her fingernails trimmed down to the nubs. because as she digs into your flesh to express her love for you as she delivers your child, you'll remember that bill cosby's rendition of childbirth is "..pull your lower lip over the top of your head around the backside..and that's what childbirth feels like.." <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" /> :D
Take a long look around the house before you leave for the will not be the same when you return. Take time to enjoy your children every time you can, seems like yesterday I was going to deliver my first....he is in college now. Time goes by more quickly once you have children. You are in my prayers as you begin this new phase of life. God Bless!


Congrats! I hope all goes smoothly for you all. As for the migraines I know what your wife is going through. With my last son, I had migraines for the first 5 months of pregnancy (doctor's attributed it to the hormones changing) and not being able to take migraine meds it was the pits! I had to sneak an occasional excedrin so that I would be able to function well enough to take care of my other two children while my husband worked. I was migraine free the last 4 months UNTIL right after delivery. I had a migraine shortly after his birth and had to suffer because I didn't have my excedrin on me. Oh well, no more migraines now! God Bless.