off topic just sharin some pics of my koi pond


Active Member
i know this is the reef thread but i just wanted to share some pics of my 2000G Koi pond in my back yard finished it about 4-5 weeks ago i have lots of lil goldfish and 3 good sized kois right now
its still gota lil work to be done such as some more plants around the edges on the back side and a lil tweaking of the rock work to finish it up


Active Member
thanks i know its not that big or anything but its hard to find time for it when i have my reef tank lol that takes all my time luckily goldfish are easy to care for


Murph, very nice. I've set up up 2 Koi ponds. One about 1000 gal and the other about 1500 gal. Unfortunately, my ex got custody of the 1000 gal in the divorce

How deep is it? Hope it's deep enough to keep the fish lovin critters out! Both of mine have turned into breeding factories. The original started out with 6 Kubunkin (spelling?) and over the years I've givin away more fish than I can count. The new one, 1500 gal, started out with 3 (in July '05) and when I closed it up had at least 40-50 babies from 18 of an inch to about an inch. We'll see how many make it through the winter.


Active Member
the deepest part by the water fall is 3' then it gets to about 1' at the shallow end of the pond.... i put the plants in there for the fish to hide and so far so good.... we really dont have to many animals out here that feed on them maybe a crain once in a while but i dont really see them around.... only other thing ive seen are possums once in a great while
we will see how they do hopefully ill have a breeding pond too!


Active Member
oh and by the way i just get my fish from a LFS the lil goldfish are next to nothing and the other Koi's i got all 3 for $45
the gold one is the biggest at about10" the others are about 7-8"'s


Oh a hatchery near me has big koi [9-15"] for 15$ each and three foot ones for 50$ each thats alot cheaper than many lfs


Originally Posted by murph145
the deepest part by the water fall is 3' then it gets to about 1' at the shallow end of the pond.... i put the plants in there for the fish to hide and so far so good.... we really dont have to many animals out here that feed on them maybe a crain once in a while but i dont really see them around.... only other thing ive seen are possums once in a great while
we will see how they do hopefully ill have a breeding pond too!
I had a Crain spend 3 days trying to catch fish. HE finally gave up and went away. My first pond ( 1000 gal) was 2 ft deep by the waterfall and 3 ft on the other side. THis was also the one that the crain was in so you should be good as far as critters go :joy: