OFF TOPIC: The Osbournes


Active Member
Are any of you enjoying the only reason to watch MTV in the last 10 years??? This show is definately a real life Simpsons!!!lol...Being a huge Ozzy fan I started watchin the first episode and havent stopped talkin about the show since the debut. I ask everyone I talk to about it and some have yet to see it...What are your thoughts on the show?


I like watching good contreversey! Its fun to watch em fight with the neighbors. I would hate being followed around by a damn camra.


Grew up on Ozzy/Black Sabbath..still debating on the he drunk or does he have a degenerative disease?Really,though?


you know, he honestly said in an interview that he has done too many drugs, and that's why he acts like he does. ozzy is fk'n crazy!

mr . salty

Active Member
It's kinda sad that he is the way he is because of his PAST druging and drinking.But he is clean and sober now.The thing that I find the funniest about this show is that this IS how these people are.NO ACTING HERE....I got a big kick out of his reaction to the bubble machine......


Active Member
I liked it when he told his wife he was not playing alberququre... good god i cant spell.. and then the next clip shows him yelling to the crowd in alberquqkie..

tru conch

Active Member
i have been watching the show since it first aired, (i know it was only a month or so ago), but i cant stop watching. i love that show, and i really dont get into many tv shows.


"@%$& bubbles?....I'm $&^
Ozzy Osbourne.... I'm the Prince of &^*^&^ Darkness!"
The funniest darn thing I've ever seen.


Talk about a disfunctional family. Ozzie has definitly smoked himself retarded. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


It is without a doubt one of the funniest shows on TV (2nd only to SCRUBS). The best shots are when they quickly show Ozzy doing something stupid in the background, like last week when he sat down in a chair and fell backwards, looking like a turtle on its back. I wonder how much $$ he got for this show. So to all of you young punks out there, this is your brain on drugs!


Only saw the first couple of shows, but that's just because I don't watch lots of TV. It was damn hilarious though. I'm trying to catch reruns of the show. Ozzie has no doubt fried his brains, but his family is nuts too. They rock.


Only 2 good shows on MTV. Fear and the Osbornes and it is probably the greatest show on TV. OZZY-OZZY-OZZY-OZZY-OZZY-OZZY-OZZY-OZZY


Active Member
I have to agree with everyone else, it is the funniest show I have ever watched, I have never laughed so hard at a show in my life!!

richard rendos

Active Member
Ozzy rules....if you could just understand anything he said.
Rock and Roll! <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />