Offensive words...


Active Member
I hope I do not use any offensive words in this post and do not mean for this post to draw offensive words... I am starting this thread to continue a discussion that stemmed from a thread that later got locked. I IN NO WAY am trying to revive the thread, only wishing to continue discussion on the subtopic that came from said thread.
Basically, it was my opinion that offensive is dictated by the person being offended and the 'true meaning' or intent generally doesn't matter to the person who takes offense.
The arguement was posed that people could claim to be offended by any number of words making conversation nearly impossible.
My opinion is that when possible we should do our best to not offend. If someone was offended by the word offend, well that would make this conversation difficult. However, in many cases words are used that serve little to no purpose. It would seem that it would be in the best interest of everyone to not use these words, if only to conserve words. Words, after all, are an endangered species.


Active Member
Did you not read my entire post? I covered that exact example.
What happens is you're offended but I have little choice but to use the word. My point is that many times the words CAN EASILY be left out.


Active Member
that was a lot of words...
personally, i am an adult enough to not be offended by someone's lack of vocabulary. life is too short to be worried about stuff like that. the only word i would never use is the N word simply because i'd probably get beat up by the people that word is used to describe.
btw, i have mentally retarded cousins.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances
BTW i think the Clam was offended


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
that was a lot of words...
personally, i am an adult enough to not be offended by someone's lack of vocabulary. life is too short to be worried about stuff like that. the only word i would never use is the N word simply because i'd probably get beat up by the people that word is used to describe.
btw, i have mentally retarded cousins.
i 100% agree that life is too short to worry about someone calling their clam retarded


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
I did read the whole thing. I get your point. I was just kidding around.
Ah, I would comment on the fact the you were messing with me but it might offend someone...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jtrzerocool
i 100% agree that life is too short to worry about someone calling their clam retarded

ehh, it's too short to even be worried about someone calling someone else one. the world is entirely too PC


Active Member
Originally Posted by renogaw
ehh, it's too short to even be worried about someone calling someone else one. the world is entirely too PC


Active Member
Before this strays..
This isn't about what is PC or what words should be banned.. It isn't a free speech issue either. There are already certain words that have been banned here. I am not saying we should add one, or subtract any.
I am merely saying that if someone is offended, bottom line, they were offended. It would seen easy enough to advoid a word that offends someone when it is not needed.
The point was, someone used a word, it added nothing useful to the description and someone found it offensive.
It would seem easy enough to remove that word in that situation.
Thick skin has nothing to do with it. I personally think of myself as fairly thick skinned and unoffendable, but I know of atleast one word that will offend me, I have never seen it used here but if I did I would probably mention it.


Active Member
This is the way I look at it. Keep it to yourself. If you cant take something then leave. Life is life deal with it, its not an easy ride. I dont like people that cuss non stop but I dont yell at them and call them idiots. People these days get ofended by so much like life is supposed to be a nice side through. Just deal with life. Keep it to yourself.


Staff member
Yes, its easy to avoid a word that offends, but in avoiding the word, others may be offended by the necessity of avoiding the word.
Greater too is offending ideas. Should ideas as well be avoided, if some are offended?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
This is the way I look at it. Keep it to yourself. If you cant take something then leave. Life is life deal with it, its not an easy ride. I dont like people that cuss non stop but I dont yell at them and call them idiots. People these days get ofended by so much like life is supposed to be a nice side through. Just deal with life. Keep it to yourself.
Life is what it is, I agree. I am not trying to say people shouldn't be permitted to say things but I think it is alright to ask for understanding in hopes of making life more pleasant. I would say that I can have a bit of a 'pooty mouth' but I do not use it here, or around anyone I feel I might make uncomfortable, (unless it is my goal to make someone uncomfortable). So I feel it would be helpful if people would show a similar amount of respect to myself and each other.
That is my dream, people treating each other with respect, but I am a realist and I don't think that will every happen, but it is a nice dream to have.


Active Member
everyone/group gets a bit too offended these days at every little thing--this has nothing to do with the other thread, but just in general everyone has an offense to something...most of the time it gets taken out of context anyways...but oh moves on right?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Yes, its easy to avoid a word that offends, but in avoiding the word, others may be offended by the necessity of avoiding the word.
Greater too is offending ideas. Should ideas as well be avoided, if some are offended?
I see no NECESSITY to avoid any word, just an understanding that words can offend. I only ASK that people try not to offend unless that is what they are trying to do.
As far as offensive ideas, I believe many ideas that offend should be avoided if possible when you are attempting to have polite conversation. I like to consider this forum a place for 'polite conversation' and as such I try to avoid ideas that might offend and save those ideas for when I am among people looking to debate and discuss ideas.


Active Member
it offends me that youre asking me to try not to offend... and youre offending me by saying i should keep my offensive ideas to myself... here is one of my offensive ideas:
Trips Right X Slant H Seam... HB Far West Right Hum right - Double Quick Out ... Blue Right C Left - 376 Sluggo...


It doesn't matter. Eventually every adjective will offend sooner or later.
My son is "delayed", so when I compare him to the "normal" kids, his teachers get all bent outa shape. They are not "normal", they are "typically developing".
Now where does rediculous end and offense begin.
I still call them normal, I don't care if they don't like it. Normal has a proper definition and I use it.
Am I implying that my own son is "not normal"? Yes. He's not normal.
But God forbid I ever say THAT in the public school system.
Retarded... I vaguely remember that thread but didn't keep up with it. But if I remember correctly, the poster used the word correctly.
retarded being stunted, or behind in progress for ones age.
Stunted intelligence, in the posters opinion, should have nothing to do with the clinically diagnosed version of retarded, and when people get it all mixed up is when it becomes offensive, even though IMO, there is a clear distinct line between the two definitions...
Frustrating topic.