oh crap!! I cant believe it. PLEASE HELP


All I can really say is my tank is ruined. Woke up this morning my bta is stuck in the powerhead. The tank is.... well the tank I can barely see anything!! One thing I can see is my fish still swimming. What the heck do I do!?! Please help

keith burn

Active Member
I lost one that way.
It will be ok,get it out of the tank do 50%water change
Replace all filters medium.


The weird thing is when I look at the powerhead I dont see the anemone under it anymore, and it is too cloudy to see. Do you think I should just do the water change add another powerhead to clean some of the extra cloudiness, and see if the anemone is still there?


Do what everyone has suggested. Do a good size water change and run lots of carbon. I would change the carbon every day for a few days until everything clears up.
Just to make you feel better, things are more resilient than you might think. I had something happen to my tank that I thought would wipe everything out, but the majority of everything made it through, so don't lose hope!


phew all cleared up! It wasnt as bad as I thought, but now I have no anemone :(, and I think my maroon clownfish is lonely, but I do not know if I want another one.