Oh GOD, I think I have a Mantis Shrimp too


I saw a tiny little shrimp(or at least what I thought was one) in my tank about 2 weeks ago. He was really small maybe a 1/4 of an inch, if even that big. He looked transparent and I did not see a problem with him. He also looked like he had no color. However, that being said I have had alot of deaths to my snails as of late. Do you think the shrimp might be the culprit?
What is so bad about mantis shrimp?
What will kill them?
How do I remove him easily?
Please help guys


Active Member
ther is no easy way ot remove one, traps may work, but not always, lyretail or lunare wrasses may eat them, but not always
there were couple of posts abouthtem here in the last day, one was it better not be, and another was mantis shrimp, and i think there is another, very recent and near the top, al have good iinfo and some links for you to check out, but 1st find out for sure, then try and get it out of your tank, if none of the other info helps, post back, and i can offer someothere suggestions, but i would get it out of your main tank if ti is


Solution to aiptasia, killer crabs, mantis shrimp, or even bad water quality -DYNOMITE
Good luck catching it!!!

reef newbie

I think I might have one too.It sounds like what I seen in my 90gal.tank. It lives in a hole in one of my lrs.It's very small,and it's see through and it has claws that it keeps folded up under its belly.Its a little bigger than a scud. Could it be a mantis shrimp?


Active Member
a mantis gets its nick name, from having claws or appendages that actually fold under it's upper body, jsut like a praying mantis, and kyarn said it looked like a pic of a stomatopod, that he saw on another post(ithink it was him),and if we are assuming it is not one because it is clear or transparent, tehy are all transparent when young, other than that, why are we saying it is NOT??
i do realize, that we are overly worried about mantis, but they are a possibility that we have to be aware of in fish tanks, they are about as rare as black bear in pa, not an every day sighting, but are out there, in descent numbers
kyarn, did you look at those other links, and see any pics and info that would help you to determine whether or not it is one??,
and in any case, if you feel it may be, trapping or removing it will not hurt your tank or fish, but if it is, then i would be sure to remove it, as i have said they are beautiful and interesting and can break glass or kill tanks, BUT don't always do either, i just feel to be safe i would rather see one in his own tank


Good Luck, i hope you get it out soon. My LFS tells me that getting a mantis in your LR is like winning the lottery! I guess its a bad lottery.