Oh i'm gonna cry!!


I just got some corals.They were in a styro lined box and sent UPS 2nd day but their bags and everything is really cold and i think 1 or 2 of them is dead
Best thing you can do is acclimate them slowly. If thay were dead the bags they came in would be very milky brown and smell like death.


The 2 i'm the most worried about are the frogspawn and the peach monti digi.They keep having this snot looking stuff coming out of them.the frowgspawn is very tiny.Like pea sized and had came loose from the rock it was on.It looks like a little stone crispy thing right?Or is it the snot stuff that has strung everywhere?
Originally Posted by B-Baby80
The 2 i'm the most worried about are the frogspawn and the peach monti digi.They keep having this snot looking stuff coming out of them.the frowgspawn is very tiny.Like pea sized and had came loose from the rock it was on.It looks like a little stone crispy thing right?Or is it the snot stuff that has strung everywhere?
the snot stuff is actually normal its kinda like self defense. some wrasses do it too


Originally Posted by fishymaster776
the snot stuff is actually normal its kinda like self defense. some wrasses do it too
I was thinking they do it as self defense.So maybe their is still some hope.


I did acclimate them for awhile and turned the lights down.They still look exactly the same today.Nothing basically
The peach monti and the frogspawn looks look like dead skeletons?It's just white.Something comes out of those pores right?


Originally Posted by B-Baby80
I did acclimate them for awhile and turned the lights down.They still look exactly the same today.Nothing basically
The peach monti and the frogspawn looks look like dead skeletons?It's just white.Something comes out of those pores right?
Monti's and frogspawn don't ship well to begin with. Then add the scenerio you described and it's even worse. Frogspawn are notoriously dying in shipping containers. I'm pretty sure froggy is dead. If you're not running carbon, get some in there now so this dead crap doesn't crash your tank.
If you want frogspawn, find a local LFS that is growing it and is willing to frag a piece for you. That's the only way you know for sure it will survive. Find it local. And I don't mean find it at a local store that just got a shipment of it, I mean find a store that is GROWING it.


I had a strong feeling those 2 were dead
I kept hoping something would miraculously sprout out
What should i do?Just be out the $$??
Originally Posted by sfoister
Monti's and frogspawn don't ship well to begin with. Then add the scenerio you described and it's even worse. Frogspawn are notoriously dying in shipping containers. I'm pretty sure froggy is dead. If you're not running carbon, get some in there now so this dead crap doesn't crash your tank.
If you want frogspawn, find a local LFS that is growing it and is willing to frag a piece for you. That's the only way you know for sure it will survive. Find it local. And I don't mean find it at a local store that just got a shipment of it, I mean find a store that is GROWING it.


Originally Posted by B-Baby80
I had a strong feeling those 2 were dead
I kept hoping something would miraculously sprout out
What should i do?Just be out the $$??

Nothing else you really can do. See if the company you bought it from will help you out. I never buy corals online. I have hard enough time keeping things alive as it is, having stuff shipped makes it that much harder.


Originally Posted by sfoister
Nothing else you really can do. See if the company you bought it from will help you out. I never buy corals online. I have hard enough time keeping things alive as it is, having stuff shipped makes it that much harder.
I got them from someone on here.Waiting to see how things can be fixed