Oh my holy Green Grass all over!!!


My tank has been up and running now for 5 months and I took Bangs reccommendation and am running 6 VHO bulbs for a total of 660 watts on my 120 gallon tank. My photo period is only for 6 hours, no direct sunlight. I use Red Sea salt mix (going to switch to Oceanic after I run out of Red Sea) Anyways, I started getting green hair algea on my sand bed, so I would manually remove it once a week, well, now it has spread to my live rock and it's out of control. I've been dosing Mrs. Wages for the past month, would this have an effect on the massive out break? My water parameters are good, I have a Salifert PO4 test kit and it comes up barely blue, so I'm guessing my PO4 is low. (It's hard to read those color charts sometimes). The only parameter that is low is my calcium which tests around 320. Anyways, I just got a lawnmower Blenny today, hopefully he can help with some of the algea. Any suggestions on how to get rid of it? I just bought Kents Phosphate sponge today, so I'm going to try that out. I'm using RO/DI water for water changes and top off. Should I take out 2 of the VHO bulbs and only use 4 total for 440 watts? Any help would be great.


a foxface also is a very good algae eater, would try to turnoff your lights for a couple of days too. (Never had this problem myself, just relaying advice I've heard from others)


well my advice is not turn the lights because he got coral still in the tanks and foxface are vemons but that will work to i have the same problem but my kole it was all right about the lights i don't recomend


Once algae gets that thick even tangs won't eat it. Get rid of all Phosphate, try Phosban or anything your LFS sells to soak them up and make sure your alkalinity isn't low. If your alk is low get it right and keep it stable.