OH NO!!! Light Dusting on all Fish??


Oh No! :( I finally thought I could do this hobby! All my fish were happy and me too!! This morning I noticed my Butterfly has white spots all over him - it is so light I only saw it because he was in a very good light. Now I see it on my Domino Damsel and he is scratching and presenting him to my shrimp for cleaning. Think it is even on my Yellow Tang. It does not look like salt grains. Could it be velvet??
All water conditions are perfect, salinity .022, temp has risen in the last few days with the warm weather to 79-81. Did a partial water change 2 weeks ago. No new fish.
Any ideas and how do I treat with shirmp in the tank too??


ok, I read up on Velvet and since my fish are still alive after a day and a 1/2, it must not be Velvet. I just took a good look at my Butterfly has much more pronounced dots that now look a lot more like ich.
Can I reduce the salinity of my entire tank? It is fish only. My Q tank it too small for all my fish. What should I do with the shrimp?? Can they live with the lower salinity??


ok, so no one is around to help at this late hour. I have read and decided to move my shirmp to the QT tank and begin decreasing the salinity of my main tank. Does anyone see a problem with this?? Thanks!!


Hi JW Thanks so much for your reply!! I have a glass hyrdrometer. I just tested my tank and noticed that the salinity had crept up to .023. I just lowered it to .021. I will check PH now too. I just did tests on my new Q tank - I have been having trouble getting it cycled (for many reasons, but mostly because I have done everything wrong, etc...). Anyway, amonia is .25. I am wondering if I should do a large water change (scrap the cycle) to bring it down before I put the shrimp in it. They are so cool, I don't want to loose them too and I have heard they are very delicate. What do you think??


Hi Terry - Well, I don't think all the fish have it. If they do, it is too soon to tell? The Butterfly is breathing rapidly, but he always has so I am not sure. I have had him since Easter. He is covered in white specs - even around the edges of his eyes. It has spread considerably in the last 24 hours. My domino is scracthing here and there and keeps trying to get the shrimp to clean him, but no other fish is scratching. The other fish in the tank are 2 small clowns and so far they seem ok. I will take water from my main tank and use it to water change the Q tank for the shrimp. Once I move them, I will lower salinity in the main tank again and will continue to do so until I reach .009 in the next 48 hours. Do you think my shrimp will be ok overnight at .021?? Thanks!!


Staff member
If all you have is 4lbs of LR, move it to your QT to assist with the cycle. See if you can get the LFS to hold your shrimp for you, then start progressing with dropping the SG in that tank. Alternatively, you are going to be doing mass water changes over the next couple of days, thus, just change out the all the water from QT with the water you are removing from your main display. With the LR and the display water, the QT should be ok.
You need to move the process along and not procrastinate. Get a refractometer. ---- is selling refracts now for around $50. [NOTE: This is not an invitation for everyone to start advertising for or linking to ----. As a disease mod for SWF.com who feels strongly about SAVING fish, I am going to pust getting the refracts. Since the money seems to be the primiary reason not to get it, then I'll say that ---- is selling them pretty darn cheap. If you can't get them there, then a quick web seaarch will land you at the next cheapest online site].


Ok, inverts in Q tank (pray they live!). Salinity in main tank now .020. I will drop it slowly every 6 hours until tomorrow night when it should be at .009.
Beth - I have a glass hydrometer, is this not OK??
Should I increase the PH in my freshwater before I add to tank since my freshwater is a little low at the start?? Maybe mix the freshwater and let it sit for 6 hours before adding to tank?? My PH in the tank is now 8.1. Has dropped with the lowering of the tan ks SG as JWtrojan said it would.
How long to I keep the SG at 1.009?
PS - How does a stable tank get ich?? Stable I mean in no new fish and all water parameters correct (except for SG). My SG increased due to evap faster than normal as the weather is so warm and it did not occur to me. It was 1.024 when I checked last night. Also tank temp has risen during the days a few points to 80. Is this why I am having the problems???


:( My coral banded dropped a claw! I was so careful moving them too! I tell you this hobby is one heartbreak after another!