Hello, I have had my tank set up for about 5months, 29gallon with 45pounds live rock and lv salt. I have a protien skimmer but havent put it on yet.....I lost a gramma last week to what I think may have been Ick so I treated the tank and have done two treatments so far, the third will be tomorrow. The tank has about 13 different corals and 3 cardinals, one coral beauty and one orange spotted gobie. The gobie is at the very top of the rock and just laying on it, I fed him and he ate just fine but I have never seen him do this, could he be sick? there are no spots on him or any other fish. My water tests have all come back great, I tested at home and took to the LFS. I love this little fish sooo much and dont want to lose him. I have the money set aside for a 135gallon but to tell you the truth I am so hurt by losing fish that I dont really know if I want to continue on. I lost my clown fish about 3wks ago and again water was great, then the gramma had a couple of white spots but mostly her head looked like she scratched it against the rocks, and now this. What am I doing wrong????????????????