Oh SAD Day.........after so many good things ...

Well, came home today and guess what ........ my tang has managed to jump out of his tank, fly 5 feet away, open the canopy of my main tank, jump in swim around, drop his ich, and return to his tank !!!
Short story, my percs have ich now .... the 3 that sleep together anyway. DAMN, and I finally got the water under control !!! So, now starts the NEED to get the QT going. Stupid thing still hasn't leveled off on water params !!! So tomorrow, it is off to the LFS to get ANOTHER 10g to do hypo in. This SUCKS !!! So now my 75g has become a living breathing invert tank.
THIS SUCKS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
At least I caught it early !!! Gave them some garlic and going to check in the morning. The tang is getting better since garlic (which he prefers to his morsels).
It's just like washing the car, after you're done, it rains.


Nah, it doesn't suck, not at all. Its teaching a valuable lesson that everyone can benefit from!
ALWAYS quarantine and hyposalinate new arrivals. If you do it right with your fish now, and use the new 10 to hyposalinate new arrivals, guess what? You'l never see ich again.
Good luck!
That is why the tang never went to the 75, he was QT'd before. The clowns have been there for at least 5 weeks now and NEVER showed a sign until last night.


im new at this fish thing, but I was talking to a guy at the fish store, and he told me that he had ich, and had read in a book about useing a filter that micro particles from the water and has been used to remove ich along with garlic, so the guy at the pet store tried it and it fixed his ich problem in like two days, I know the filter has a big $ sign on it like $100 but it worked, thats all I know, if you need more info let me know.


I swear by garlic! I had a few little spots on my coral beauty a while back and starting soaking all the food in garlic before feeding the tank. In less than a week and no new spots have appeared on any of the fish. It's been a few weeks since then so hopefully that is that. If I have to remove him to treat him in the QT I have no idea how I'll catch him. That is the one thing I hate about having a reef. It is next to impossible to catch a fish once it's in there.


Active Member
Fair warning---CB's are as hard as those "darling" damsels. Hope you dont have to get it out, be prepared to rearrange everything if you do. (maybe wear a baseball cap too, so you wont pull all your hair out lol) :)
Ich "went away" with some Extreme Garlic by Kent on their food. The consensus at the LFS was the 5 degree temperature drop the night the heater broke stressed them out pretty bad. After 4 days of warming back up and garlic, everyone is happy.