Oh Sharks


are you all using AOL to get here? I have experienced problems on my website by AOL users. You might try logging on to AOL and then minimizing the screen, then start internet explorer (or whatever standalone browser you may have) and using it to access the message board and see if that clears it up.
Just a thought,


Active Member
sometimes it helps to delete the cookie(s) from here (computername@saltwaterfish.com[*].txt)
and just relogin, sometimes that helps with msg board errors


Staff member
If you are an AOL user then don't use the AOL brouser, just use you IE after you log on to aol.
The aol brouser is the pits.
But my AOL came with 1,000,000 free hours and I just couldn't pass up that offer !!! :D :D :D
AOL sends me new coasters every month it seems.
AOL SUX !!! You couldn't pay me to use it, for reasons just like this !!!