Oh to be under ten in the land down under

coral keeper

Active Member
That's just sick! It would have been nice if the kid went into the goanna cage...
He said that the boy, whose face was expressionless during the killing spree, had “clammed up” when questioned by police. He had climbed over a second fence to get a closer look at Terry and his victims. “He was lucky because if he got in there with the goanna, she would have torn him to pieces.”


Active Member
I think fair punishment would be a littlre one on one time with Terry!
Yeah, definately future psychopath - i bet his parents are proud!


Active Member
hahah no pscyho path, thats funny He justw anted to see the croc get a good meal like he would if he wasnt locked up!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
hahah no pscyho path, thats funny He justw anted to see the croc get a good meal like he would if he wasnt locked up!!!
He bashed them all on the head before he threw them in.
bludgeoning a 3 foot lizard with a stick is Not normal 7 year old behaviour! Those things are tough!


Active Member
That croc would have evidence of 7 year old human poops if I got a hold of that kid..... and his parents.


Active Member
there is obviously something wrong with this family. The brother also has violent behavior against animals.


Active Member
Wow... Mostly speechless. How sadistic. If they can't hold the child responsible, I surely hope they go after compensation from the parents. Also how sad things are if this happened the other way too. Like if the zoo had barbed wire on the top of the fence, and they found that little hell-raiser stuck up there, how this would so quickly turn into the "zoo's fault" and they are to be held responsible.

Question though, by 7 or 8, I was pretty aware that I would be held accountable for my actions, and the main reason I didn't do stuff was because of the following consequences that would occur. So if children under 10, can't be held responsible for criminal actions, how in the world do they keep them under control down there? Throwing rocks at cars on the freeway, graffiti pretty much anything, etc, etc?