Oh What to do!!


right now I have some fiji pink carib sea aragonite and would like to add to it. Do I have to add the same stuff or can a add a different grain size into the variable? Which is more beneficial? HOw do I add more subsrate without disturbing my coral and fish?
Thanks for all your help.
There were actually some good ideas on this subject in some of yesterdays posts. But since you didn't know here are some of the methods that were talked about.
1) Place sand into a ziplock bag and lower it to the bottom of the tank and slowly pour it out.
2) Place a 1" PVC tube in the watewr and with a funnel on the end slowly pour into the tube directing the sand where you would like.
It would be fine IMO to add sand that was a different size. I just wouldn't go over board on the difference too much.
Good luck! :D