ohh no rid ich and feather dusters


New Member
ok so i had a fish that i suspected was getting ICH and well i tried to put some of that rid ich stuff in my tank and tried to be cautious about how much i but in and now all 3 of my feather dusters look like crap there fans are very skinny and dont have the tiny feathers that stick out on the side they just look like straight lines not feathers anymore. and the one feather dusters feathers are now kindda curled at the end like a wilted flower. do you think they will come back or did i just kill them? I had a coral not respond to well to the stuff but this morning it looked great again. I changed out my filters as well to try to get the water as clean as i can. suggestions? help?



I would run carbon and do a water change to get rid of the other med, I've used this with much success. Probably going to get alot of slack from others, but I really don't care, worked for me but you must follow the directions.
Directions for use:
Add 2 oz. per 25 gallons (50 ml per 100 liters) of actual water every day until obvious improvement takes place. Then reduce treatment frequency to every other day until all fish are normal. When all fish are clean, proceed with 3 more treatments every second day over a course of a week to ensure no further problems. NO-ICH is biodegradable after about 5 days.
Active Ingredients: 5-Nitroimidazole
General Information
NO-ICH is the original, and still the best selling copper-free reef safe water treatment for Cryptocaryon irritans (marine "white spot").
NO-ICH solves a major problem for marine fish hobbyists, by enabling them to eradicate safely the marine parasite known as "white spot", or Cryptocaryon irritans, in Fish-Only and / or Reef aquariums with equal results. NO-ICH also successfully treats the freshwater parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis with no harm to fish (including scaleless species), plants, or invertebrates.
Until now copper or dye-based treatments have been the only known remedies, but all of these suffer from major disadvantages from a hobbyist's point of view.
Primarily, the ones that work can be used in a Fish-Only situation. This means that the reef tank owners have to catch all their fish and treat them in a separate aquarium. This approach is often unacceptable.
Secondly, the so-called "safe coppers", as most experienced hobbyists will confirm, do not work, and if effective copper treatments are used, one must be exceedingly careful in the dosage. Too much can fatally damage the sensitive gill membranes of the fish, while too little will enable the parasite to thrive & continue its ravaging damage.
Treats the water and eliminates parasites such as the "white spot" protozoan, as well as parasitic copepods, while not affecting any of your beautiful corals, anemones, plants, or other invertebrates.
Biodegrades after some 4-5 days, leaving no harmful residue.
Does not harm fish, invertebrates, or nitrifying bacteria.
No test kit is necessary during treatment.
Q. How does No-ICH work?
A. NO-ICH disrupts the life cycle of the Cryptocaryon irritans parasite during the critical free-swimming stage while having no effect on the health of your marine fish, corals, invertebrates, live rock, macro algae
Q. Can NO-ICH be used with other products in the aquarium?
A. NO-ICH can be used with phosphate and/or ammonia absorbents, but you will need to remove carbon from your filtration system as well as turn off your protein skimmer. Either of these will remove NO-ICH from your aquarium before it can help. It is recommend not to use antibiotics or other medications while using NO-ICH.
Q. How do I dose NO-ICH?
A. Add 2 oz. per 25 gallons (50 ml per 100 liters) of actual water every day until obvious improvement takes place and then add every other day until all fish are normal. When all fish are clean treat 3 more times every other day to ensure no further problems.
Q. Is it okay to dose at a higher level?
A. In general the dosages noted above should be adhered to but there are a few situations that may warrant higher dosage. These would include:
Dealing with a very severe or persistent infestation.
If you are unable to temporarily turn off your protein skimmer, UV sterilizer, ozonizer or similar filtration equipment.
Aquariums with very large biological filtration capacity, which may speed up the degradation of the product.
In these cases you would treat on day one with 4 oz. per 25 gallons and then increase the dosage levels by 50% to 3 oz. per 25 gallons every other day until obvious improvement takes place. Once fish are clean treat 3 more times at 3 oz. per 25 gallons every other day to ensure no further problems.
Q. Can NO-ICH be used as a prophylactic?
A. NO-ICH (as well as any other treatment) should not be added continually into any aquarium. You can however use NO-ICH to help protect against ich outbreaks that commonly occur when new fish are added to an established aquarium. In this case, it is recommend to add an initial dose when the new fish are introduced and add a second dose 2 days later. Observe your aquarium inhabitants carefully for any signs of outbreak to determine if you need to continue after the second dose.
Fish First Aid
To safeguard your aquatic life, you need to test your water parameters often and look daily for the warning signs of trouble. Because illness or trauma can worsen rapidly, it's best to have the right medications on hand to deal with the situation.


New Member
I have not moved the fish in another tank i was waiting to see what he looks like when i get home i have been at work all day. I was also hoping my cleaner shrimp would help out the situation. I did change my carbon filters though.


If you suspect one of your fish have ich, don't know how big your tank is or how many fish you have in your DT or LR, but good luck trying to catch all your fish and putting them in a OT, I have a 72 gallon with over 125ibs of LR no way I was going to tear my tank down to catch all my fish, I researched on the net and found this product, I have tons of inverts, hermits, etc and a few corals, if I took everything out it would of been a big loss, this product works, but you have to follow the directions, to many members think that COOPER treatment is the only way, i'm sorry I have to disagree..new products come out all the time, I guess "You can't teach an old dog new methods"!!!!