Ok A Few Newbie Questions.


1. My wife gave me an ultimatum, she said " It's Me or the Fish tank!" So I did the obvious. Now that she is gone I have no one to feed my fish when I'm gone. What do I do? :hilarious
2. My Nitrates went from 0 to 10 from one weekend to the other and has maintained that way although I did a 20% change. Why? btw the rest of my levels are perfect Ph 8.2, Nitrites 0, Ammonia 0. My PCs are a Month old and I run them about 8hrs a day.
3. Today I noticed some Flouresnt Orange spots on one of my rocks, any ideas?
4. My Flower Pot has been changing from a white with green tips to a Purple with green tips is this normal or is it getting too much light in a 30g with a 95w pc, placed 3/4 of the way up towards the top?


Active Member
1. don't know how to help you there. my wife is still here, she keeps threatening to leave, and I keep calling her bluff. she knows how lucky she is :)
2. nitrates are the end process of the cycle. ammonia breaks down to form nitrites, and nitrites break down to form nitrates. you may never have the nitrates down to zero, but if you can keep them at 20 or less, you're in good shape.
3. could be coralline algae, which most consider to be a good thing.