Ok, Finally getting the Q-tank - few questions.


New Member
After reading on this board I have learned that a Q-tank is a must. I have always just had reef tanks and never had so many fish as I do now. Fish are a pain....
Anyways. The ich came from a copperband that I added two weeks ago and I have been fighting it ever since. So far only one other fish shows any signs - a Blue Tang. He is eating well and I am feeding everyone Mysis soaked in Zoe and Zoecon.
I have tried the Kent Marine product RXP in combination with PolyOX as I've read from a some post on here and from info from Kent Marine. This seems to work a bit, but I'm ready to do the Q-tank like I should.
Can I take all my fish out an place them into a couple tanks and simply treat them with copper for a month. This will allow the ich to die in the main tank and the fish should be cured.
Will this work or should I stick with hyposalinity?


Active Member
Your technique will work. Just make sure you don't overstock the treatment tank.
Hyposalinity is preferred because copper is mildly toxic to fish. It tends to be an immunosuppressive which lowers their resistance to other infections. Hyposalinity actually lowers the amount of stress that a fish is under so it more easily allows them to fight off infections.