OK for anemone?


I've got an anemone, who has been moving around a bit lately. He didn't used to, but now he keeps moving to the bottom of the side of a rock I had him on. I'm wondering if this is ok because he's about halfway on the sand... ? And he's not as opened up as he used to be..


Active Member
It is looking for space it likes. As long as you have the correct lighting, water maturity and your parameters are in line with Natural Sea Water just let it be. It will move until it is happy with the space it is in.


It's a purple tip flower anemone.. It's really closed up right now... and looks a lot darker than it was..


The anemone is still staying closed up a lot... i woke up this morning and he was off the rock - upside down in the sand. I placed him back on the frock, and he attached, and is still there right now.. but he's only open a little bit.. I can't tell if the nem is dead or dying... ?
Will a nem stay attached to a rock if its dead or dying?
Also, I haven't fed him for a few days cause his mouth hasn't been looking right. ...


Something is definately wrong. How old is your tank? What kind of lighting do you have? Do you know your parameters?