ok heres one for all, how long do you have the lights on?


It depends on what size tank,lights,inhabitants. It will vary, depending on all these things. My lights are on the low side for my tank so they are on about 11 hours a day. It really varies from tank to tank. You should be able to figure what your tank needs by watching. If it is FO then it is not that important.


Active Member
as JJA said it depends on your tank. It depends on how strong are your lights, what kind of corals do you keep. When overdosed (lights) may trigger unwanted microalgae grows. Start with 10-12 hours. What lights do you have?


My light schedule is very similar to mlm's. The MH is on for 8 hours and the VHO actinics are a little over 11.
I run my lights on for about 10-12hrs a day....but when i leave for a weekend or im not at my aptartment for the night my roomate leaves it on 24hrs a day for a night light :mad: or if he stumbles home drunk...he told me he didnt think fish slept he told me..now i have a timer