Ok, I feel Stupid.


The owner of my maintence co and one of his assistace is AWESOME. But, I am disabled so wanted to go to the store by myself to see different fish. The guy there I did not know. I caught a ride, and fell in love with a trigger......I can't remember what he said it was, but one of the less aggressive. Now, I am worried about my my clown. I LOVE my clown! He is a tomato clown with tons of personality.
Right now, I can't describe exactly what he looks like as he is still hiding ( I bought him yesterday) I do remeber he has a bit of pink on his tail. What have I gotten myseelf into! I know the maintence guy will take him back, but I am not do for another two weeks :(
I hope yall understand I rally wnated to see the fish instead of always having someone pick stuff out for me.........that get's really OLD! (as does not driviing)
Thanks for understanding my plight.


Are you asking if the fish you have will get along together? I am not sure I understand your question. :notsure: What fish do you have in the tank now?


Yeah well, that is why I feel so stupid....I don't rememer what the bloody ell I bought. All I know is he was a trigger, but suppodesly one of the lesser aggressive. All I have is a tomato clown. He bugga won't come out of hiding so I caan see him. I will just caall maintencce and tell them to pick him up when next they come..thanks anyway.


he has a pink tail, so is he green because he is that would make him a pinktail trigger they are very peaceful triggers im glad you didnt get like a queen or a clown


Yes, he is green with a pink tail in a 75 gallon. But, am also concerned about possible tank mates? Is the tank too small. He really is a beautiful fish, but would hate to see him eat my tomato clown. That is all in there now. Lots of coral, with plans to buy lighting for LR. I think the natural look is gorgeeouus, and heard benficial. I have sump pump filtratration.
Excuse tyos I get tireed of fixing them ALL the time..lol
Thank you for time. I could not find pic anywhere on line!
Any ideas for futute tank mates. I don't want something to bite me. But trrigger is pretty by himsself ...weell once he comes out of hiding...lol
Originally Posted by surfinusa
he has a pink tail, so is he green because he is that would make him a pinktail trigger they are very peaceful triggers im glad you didnt get like a queen or a clown


Yes, he is green with a pink tail in a 75 gallon. But, am also concerned about possible tank mates? Is the tank too small.
I have kept mine with clowns trouble free, my Pinktail has yet to harm anything in my tank, yet others have not had such a pleasant experience with this trigger. Yes, your tank will eventually be to small, these are fast swimmers, but from experience mine is a slow grower, a very slow grower..... I feed 2-3 times per day and it has grown around 1 inch in 3 1/2 years, they require a variety of meaty foods and greens in their diet.
