Ok I Neeeed Hhhhheeellllppp


well at first i thought something was wrong with my snail. i came in and there is this big black thing with antennes. i was like...snail where did your shell go...but THEN i found my snail...with his shell. so what the heck is this thing. its kinda cool looking. its about the size of a silver dollar and is kinda flat with two antnneas. so whats this thing..i know i didnt put it in there and i havent ever seen the lfs have this. i even used to work there. and they dont know what the heck i am talking about.its more round then long. i tried to get a pic but its too dark and then it just slitherd into a cave. will it hurt my tank. it seems to be eating algie. do i need to get it outta there before it eats my new pollops?
:help: :notsure: :scared:


im tryin 2 remeber the name of what it might be wats the colors on it all black if so maybe just a large parasite or something!


its all solid black...its hard to describe. it doest look like the one that is in the pic.from the link its almost flat. it doesnt have any lines spots or markings on it at all.i am going to try to take a pic of it with my reg. camera and not my digital camera and see what kind of a pic i get. but this thing is REALLY strange. the head of it like i said looks like a snail but its body is flat. i only see it for min at a time then it slithers back into a rock .i wish i knew a better way to describe it.i have seen it on more thank just one rock. its been all over. but i hope that we can figgure it out. if not the thing is going to be gotten outta there but how do i get it? i dont know what it is to know if its poisnes or not.it looks like it would be soft like velvet and its so flat and is sucks to the rocks how will i pry it before it goes into a hole.......ahhhhh


Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Sounds like it could be a black fleshy limpet.
i dont think that its a limpet. its doesnt have a shell at all...not that i can see it looks kinda velivity. i looked at a pic on the site of a nidibranch and it looks like the black one with blue lines.EXECPT its more round and its SOLID black...thats whats so hard to get a pic it just looks like algie slithering across a rock or a black blob.


ok. i found the thing on a rock. still caint get a good pic of it. but i got the rock outta there and put it in a pitcher. then it crawled off the rock and i am going to take it to lfs tomrrow to see if we can find something. i got to get a good look at it. it looks like a snail or slug on the bottem. it has 2 long antennes and on the outside ring of its body is like frilly. its more slimy than velvety. but do you think it will be ok in the pitcher till tomrrow? i just dont want it to hurt my tank but yet it looks awsome. i have never seen anything like this. and how it made it through the shipping and curing of the lr beets me. when they ship the lr from florda it comes in a styrofoam box with wet newspaper. sure do wish i could get a good pic of it though.


ok.i felt bad keeping the poor thing in a pitcher all night. but i was able to get some pic. they arent good but it gets the point across. i think it really is a nudibranch. he does have the bottem like a snail. but then on the outside of him on the outer part its all ruffley but he has a mouth like a snail too. when i tried to get him outta the pitcher however he was exposed to some air for a few secconds. and a small white tear went down his back i feel terriable. but when i put him in my tank he crawled up my front and was eating away. but prey that i didnt kill him. i would feel just horriable. but i will post the pic i got tomrrow but photobucket.com is doing some work on there site so i caint get into it. but will try to post tomrrow....geez i hope i didnt kill it.FYI i named him THE BLOB!! lol


this one he is halfway on my glass
on a rock
on my sand you can see little antennes sticking out on the right hand side really small and blurry
now he is all the way on the glass. he is white on the underside and then on the out side where you still see black its like ruffles. and on the right if u look close you can see a mouth and antennes
and closer
and this is the last one. he is gliding off of my glass and going on the sand. i tried to capture his ruffles. but my camera isnt very good. thanks everyone who helped me!!!! hope ya enjoy the pic


lol havent seen the BLOB today. will keep you guys posted...and will try to get a better pic. i need more snails though gotta go to the lfs.....so we all know i will be comming home i with just more than snails.


well. it was a coupple of days but i saw the blob today. i did find a limpet with a white shell...just a little thing but i saw him cleaning the glass yesterday....still have no idea what the BLOB is. but i kinda have grown attached to the the thing. still no good pic. but thanks for the help