ok i posted in newbie section and reef tank and got some good feedback..

But someone suggested i post here cause you guys are the equipment experts...... My setup is listed below please tell me what you think.. also in the hood with the tank, built the icecap myself another story, there are 2 36" 10000k coarl life lights and 2 36" 50/50 coarl life lights. Can someone explain the reasons and benefits behind quarentine tanks also hardware and size of tank suggested? and a refugium and hardware and tank suggested? Thanks for taking the time to answer a newbies questions. I set my tank up on the 11th and once in place i will post a pic for all those to see the results of there work.
OK updated my profile to reflect my setup. THis tank goes up on the 11th so any help before then with hardware would be appretiated.


From VA?
i am here in fairfax..:)
you have very huge tank..:)
envy you..good luck with it..:)
THanks. It is almost setup time for me and I think I have everything together. It is going to be great. I will post lots of new pics once it is setup. Again thanks.
quarentine tanks are good so that any new fish that might be infected with a disease or any other number of problems,will not infected your Show Tank,IMO they are a very necessary part of your success. As for the size you will get alot of different opinions,but if you are planning on adding large fish and not babies,then you need to have a tank set up as a qt tank that is large enough for that fish to live in without being stressed out.for an example putting a 12" Lion in a 20 gallon qt tank does'nt work the tank is to small for him and might stress him out,then he would'nt appear to be stable to add to your main tank. But a 20 gallon qt tank would be suitable for say some clown fish.See what I am saying??? ( i am not to good at written communication) .Is your refugium going to be part of your sump? Are you going to hide your skimmer and heaters and equipment down in the refugium/ sump? Lots of different ideas you can do there......do a search on this board and see what you can find out.
I hope this helps you out some.....I am no expert so don't take what I say to your heart!
I am using argonite (crushed coral to a fine sand state). Ok thanks on the QT info I am going to setup a 55 gal QT. As for refguim I dont have one as of yet or plans to set one up. Still reading about them and how to set them up and what they do. Yes everything will be out of sight. I am getting lots of info from these boards and thank you all for not only answering my questions but others so newbies like me have a chance to learn and ask questions we didnt even know we should ask.
saltwaterdave I am in Va BCH. Where do you go for your fish and supplies. I go to animal jungle. Is there any place you suggest?