
:cheer: :jumping: ok guys.. i am so jazzed i just coulnt wait to share with you all... i finally got my Goniopora ...... and my Mushroom Coral - Neon Green (which has not opened yet ) and my zoo's..... i am excited... thanks for letting me share :jumping: :jumping:



Active Member
congrats on your new corals. do watch the gonipora as they usually don't fare well in home aquariums.


Active Member
Sorry, but thoe are button polops, not mushrooms in the 2nd pic.
Here's how they will look when fully open, its the coral on the right on the sand.


Originally Posted by puffer32
Sorry, but thoe are button polops, not mushrooms in the 2nd pic.
Here's how they will look when fully open, its the coral on the right on the sand.

wow.... then i was lied to ... i am new to the salt water and that is what i was told they were... ok... now i am really upset... thank you :mad:


Active Member
Yeah you were lied to. I don't want to make you feel bad, button polops are nice, especially the neon ones. Yours will probably turn more green when they open more. Maybe the lfs didn't know what they were either :notsure:

Wait a minute, are you saying the 2nd pic is zoos or mushrooms. Button polops, in your 2nd pic are some times called zoos, but where is the pic of the new mushroom?


Originally Posted by puffer32
Yeah you were lied to. I don't want to make you feel bad, button polops are nice, especially the neon ones. Yours will probably turn more green when they open more. Maybe the lfs didn't know what they were either :notsure:

Wait a minute, are you saying the 2nd pic is zoos or mushrooms. Button polops, in your 2nd pic are some times called zoos, but where is the pic of the new mushroom?

ok.. now i really feel stupid... i forgot to attach the picture of the mushroom... so here it is ....



Active Member
Alright, (nice shroom, looks like a hairy or ricordia, post again when it opens fully). So your lfs wasn't exactly lieing, lots of people call button polops zoos, might be in same family. Don't feel stupid, I have embarressed myself afew times here on the boards. Awhile back I posted a pic of a mojo, and asked what type of polops it was, here its a pest anenome, I thought i got a great hitch hiker
Please post pics again when everything opens. And remember we were all beginners once, you learn as you go along.


Originally Posted by puffer32
Alright, (nice shroom, looks like a hairy or ricordia, post again when it opens fully). So your lfs wasn't exactly lieing, lots of people call button polops zoos, might be in same family. Don't feel stupid, I have embarressed myself afew times here on the boards. Awhile back I posted a pic of a mojo, and asked what type of polops it was, here its a pest anenome, I thought i got a great hitch hiker
Please post pics again when everything opens. And remember we were all beginners once, you learn as you go along.

ty puffer.... yes i am a real beginner.... and i am having a blast learning all the things i need to know... right now i am looking into getting a coralife lunar light for my 46 gal... wow this hobby is so addicting... going to have claim bankrup before long...


Active Member
Wow Marsha their beautiful!!!!! That's daisy gonipora is the same one i have!!!! Cool, if you have any problems with the gonipora email me. I'm still convinced that the problem with goniporas is nutritional. I feed my 2 goniporas Dt algae every other day. Cute little buttons too!