Ok... I'm ready, is this right?


I must again say, I am thankful I have found these boards and can't wait to share my future tanks with you since this has been my desire after falling in love with the carribean several years ago. You all know what I mean,,,, having a little snorkeling memories right here in my family room.

Anyway.... I was wondering, has anyone ever started two tanks at the same time? I recently purchased a 35 gallon hexagon from someone on an auction site. When I went to pick up the tank, it hadn't been cared for for several months and needed to be broke down and started from scratch. Very bad condition to say the least! So I took the three fish from this tank with some of the orgininal water and placed them in their temporary home - the 10 gallong q tank. They surprisingly are doing wonderful!
So,, here I am with a hexagon empty tank. I then got in my mind it wasn't big enough so I went to a local chain pet store and purchased a new 50 gallong bow front set up. I now intend to set both the tanks up this week. The bow front I have already added the water and the salt and have had it functioning for the past week. Last night I ordered the max of live rock and live sand from SWF and it should be delivered this week. So.. here are my questions......
--- Has anyone ever started two tanks at the same time and been successful in keeping their sanity?
---- I haven't purchased powerheads yet, which ones do some of you recommend? Also skimmers?

I don't want to sound stupid or anything but after the live rock and live sand has been in the tanks and cycled, meaning levels are within normal, I then order a clean up crew consisting of hermit crabs, snails, etc... correct? Do I then keep them in my tank forever and will the future fish get along with these little critters or will they eat them? Can I move the clean up crew from one tank to the other?
---- Are there clear cut answers to the 'correct' levels when testing to determine if the tank is cycling properly?? I am a little confused on this cycling thing?? I bought this kit of testing vials which cost a fortune. I know about being patient I just need to understand a little more about this cycling.
----I hate damcels....I never ever want to use them, as one of the fish I adopted is a damcel and he is a mean little f'er and is very dominate on my cute little clown.
I guess I am just nervous and hope I am doing all this the correct way.............. so any of your opinions are great. Thanks in advance. So many questions and then my brain goes blank when I need to type them out. :)


Originally Posted by BorgataGal
I must again say, I am thankful I have found these boards and can't wait to share my future tanks with you since this has been my desire after falling in love with the carribean several years ago. You all know what I mean,,,, having a little snorkeling memories right here in my family room.

Anyway.... I was wondering, has anyone ever started two tanks at the same time? I recently purchased a 35 gallon hexagon from someone on an auction site. When I went to pick up the tank, it hadn't been cared for for several months and needed to be broke down and started from scratch. Very bad condition to say the least! So I took the three fish from this tank with some of the orgininal water and placed them in their temporary home - the 10 gallong q tank. They surprisingly are doing wonderful!
So,, here I am with a hexagon empty tank. I then got in my mind it wasn't big enough so I went to a local chain pet store and purchased a new 50 gallong bow front set up. I now intend to set both the tanks up this week. The bow front I have already added the water and the salt and have had it functioning for the past week. Last night I ordered the max of live rock and live sand from SWF and it should be delivered this week. So.. here are my questions......
--- Has anyone ever started two tanks at the same time and been successful in keeping their sanity?
---- I haven't purchased powerheads yet, which ones do some of you recommend? Also skimmers?

I don't want to sound stupid or anything but after the live rock and live sand has been in the tanks and cycled, meaning levels are within normal, I then order a clean up crew consisting of hermit crabs, snails, etc... correct? Do I then keep them in my tank forever and will the future fish get along with these little critters or will they eat them? Can I move the clean up crew from one tank to the other?
---- Are there clear cut answers to the 'correct' levels when testing to determine if the tank is cycling properly?? I am a little confused on this cycling thing?? I bought this kit of testing vials which cost a fortune. I know about being patient I just need to understand a little more about this cycling.
----I hate damcels....I never ever want to use them, as one of the fish I adopted is a damcel and he is a mean little f'er and is very dominate on my cute little clown.
I guess I am just nervous and hope I am doing all this the correct way.............. so any of your opinions are great. Thanks in advance. So many questions and then my brain goes blank when I need to type them out. :)

I don't see anything wrong with starting two tanks at once. Make sure you add the live rock during the start process. I know it's expensive, so as much as you can handle. For the cycle process. Well, I read all of the things you could do to speed it up, but vowed for neither one. I used the bacteria stuff in a bottle per the directions. I tested my levels twice a week. I think this past Wednesday it went up to 10, and dropped to 0 two days later. For the clean up crew. I just went and got mine. I got a Choclate Star fish (2) and two cleaner shrimp. I guess I should get a snail and such.... this is all I know. I'm new too. I don't have a power head...maybe I should get one. I have a wet/dry filter and a skimmer, which has a immersiable head thingy....which my cleaner shrimp loves sitting on. LOL