ok... lots of pics of my 75


Originally Posted by BabyB
those plates are incredable, really nice tank, what fish do you have in there
the goby and then the cleaner crew for another 3 weeks .. then it they will be done in qt. Going to house..flame angel blue hippo four perc clowns two lyrestails black cap baslet and friedmani .. those are in qt as of now. not sure if i will add anything else or leave it at those. I dont want my tank to be too many fishes.. and the hippo needs space so thinking that will be it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teviesfish
heres the tank
Great job
, very colorful, look foward to more pics.

efish :happyfish nsea


thanks... but anything negitive about it? something you would change or add or do differently???? i am open to opinions... stocking is going to be
1 blue hippo
1 flame angel fish
2 lyrstail wrassies
4 perc clowns
1 black cap basslet
1 friedmani
this a good list? and should i add anything else?


Active Member
Your list is somewhat similar to mine! for my 72.
Anyways im guessing alot of people are going to tell you that you cant have a blue hippo i am saying this becuase almost everyone said this about my tank which is only 3 gal. less than yours.
Don't tell anyone but i am going to try and IMO suceed(hopefully) having a hippo in my tank. So I would say that your tank is big enough.
I am also going to put a Blackcap Basslet in my tank and a Flame Angel nothing is wrong with these except IMO the Flame May Or may Not nip at your corals.
I think your list is good! except i am thinking your fridmani will fight with the Blackcap(I would go with just the Blackcap they are awsome fish)
But im not sure.


Originally Posted by FishyGurl
Your list is somewhat similar to mine! for my 72.
Anyways im guessing alot of people are going to tell you that you cant have a blue hippo i am saying this becuase almost everyone said this about my tank which is only 3 gal. less than yours.
Don't tell anyone but i am going to try and IMO suceed(hopefully) having a hippo in my tank. So I would say that your tank is big enough.
I am also going to put a Blackcap Basslet in my tank and a Flame Angel nothing is wrong with these except IMO the Flame May Or may Not nip at your corals.
I think your list is good! except i am thinking your fridmani will fight with the Blackcap(I would go with just the Blackcap they are awsome fish)
But im not sure.
My black cap and the fridmani are already together in the 50 gallon qt tank.I think they are doing really well. So far no issues. i love the blue hippos.. and after all it is our tanks so we can essentually do what we want. I am not going to over stock my tank so that should really give my hippo lots of roaming room. Good luck on your tank. and keep me posted.
Great minds think alike


Active Member
I would not put 4 clowns in a tank that size. That will cause them to have 1 pr. and the others to get destroyed by the pr. And the tang is a no-no too. Just my opinion, no flaming


Originally Posted by hot883
I would not put 4 clowns in a tank that size. That will cause them to have 1 pr. and the others to get destroyed by the pr. And the tang is a no-no too. Just my opinion, no flaming
But still going to do what i want. Already have those fish and they are doing marvoulus all one big happy family. I know you are not flaming...


Originally Posted by hot883
I would not put 4 clowns in a tank that size. That will cause them to have 1 pr. and the others to get destroyed by the pr. And the tang is a no-no too. Just my opinion, no flaming
got to thinking.. are you one of "those guys" that everyone here talks about... like the geek squad for best buy but your car is in shape of a tang... with pretty lights on the top??? LOL couldnt resist my bad.. not flaming just making a funny