ok now i need feed back!


well I've bien seperated for 4 months, cried alot
now I've met someone new. he's a great chap, and I enjoy him. we've known each other for 2 months friends first etc. how do you know when it's love for keeps and not just 4 fun? here is another catch... he's a bit more financially "wealthy" so that intimidates me. should it? I don't believe in dates for financial gain (like alot of women) but I think we've both just kind of fallen for each other. as a nurse I make 4 to 5 times less, should I break it off for the sake of not being in his "class"? I'm jeans & tee's and he's diamonds and gold - 2 diferent worlds completely. I'd love some feed back from both men and women. I like this guy lots enoy his personality his charm his morals and so much more. am I shallow to feel intimidated by this? it would be the only reason I would not persue him further
lost in emotions


Active Member
you beat me to it Salty.
Go with the flow........and enjoy.
I am sure you are a breath of fresh air to him. Especially if he has been around with the weathly set. Some of those women are just plain nuts. I know from direct experience. I am not one of them, but some friends who are.
enjoy him and what you have together!!



Originally posted by saltymom
diamonds n gold go with tee shirts n jeans!

Diamonds and Gold go with everything!
There is a reason why they say Love is Blind. If you have fallen for the person and not the wallet - I say go for it - how often does someone actually find true love ?
Most will never expierence it
The best advice is to take it one day at a time and see where it goes...


Active Member
hmm how do you know when its realy love..good question im working on hubby number 3 lol we havent made the final plunge yet because im still not sure.but the one thing I have figured out so far is I do love him and have for the last 5 yrs.but that wont mean i will for ever.you never know how long you will fully love one person .or better reason why you love that person.if you ask me why i love mine I can honestly tell you I have no clue lol.I just do.I spent 9 yrs with my first husband and 12 with my last.I had so many reason at the time why i loved them and I gues i still have a few.but this one the one that has proposed to me once a year for the last 5 yrs and i have turned down each time .I love the most and cant for the life of me tell you why lol.just follow your heart but keep your head below the clouds.the veiw is much clearer when your not looking through them.and the finacial part him having more money doesnt make him a better class it just makes it easier to get a better table at a nicer resteraunt. you work very hard for every dime you make don't ever let anyone else having more of it make you feel you are worth less.money does not make people....people make money....


Active Member
In my humble opinion, there is no way to know. You can only live for the moment and listen to your heart. It may work and it may not, but you never know unless you try.
As far as wealth, I'm at a point in my life where I am very comfortable. Not rich, but I buy just about anything I want. Fortunately, I'm happily married, but if I was out playing the dating game, I would never shun someone because they had less than me. I would be looking at the person for who they are and not even concern myself with their finances up front.
Good luck in whatever you decide.


thanks for the feed back! he is a warm funny lovely specimine of a person and I think I will (and have) give it time to blossom. I have to admit to the intimidation I feel but the "warm fuzzzies he gives are priceless. he is quiet and calm and just a beautiful person so I guess I should thank my lucky stars that I'd found him.... let go of all of my insecurities and see where this road travels to.
I think i have found love in his arms:joy:
I just wish he was just a little mr fix it kind of guy.



Originally posted by shawna
should I break it off for the sake of not being in his "class"? I'm jeans & tee's and he's diamonds and gold.

Material things shouldnt matter. If he really loves you and visa versa the about should NOT matter. Look at the inside. NOt the outside JMO.


Active Member
Been divorced from my ex after 28 yrs of marriage for 5 yrs. Met a wonderful man on line, been with him 5 yrs, engaged for 3 of them. Why have we not tied the knot? Not really sure, got engaged and that has been enough for both of us so far. Money can ruin a relationship, to much or to less. But if you both agree with what it should be spent on, you shouldn't have to many problems. Just go with the flow, if you don't feel comfortable with the income difference, just have seperate accounts (if the relationship goes farther) and use your incomes as you see fit. Enjoy!