?? Ok Off topic Question??


Ive was doing some lookback to some posts and seeing as Mr, Salty has become a Shark(congrats on that by the way)i was looking older posts and noticed that a person said they where new to hobby and such and noticed that they where a Jumbo.how can that be? not trying to cause any h&d was only wondering.a name to me mean nothing unless the person behind it shows me that he/she knows what they talking about.and from what ive seen.. those who are sharks are well vearsed, they are ture to the hobby,,
and most jumbos as well as some juvis also..

mr . salty

Active Member
Unless they have changed it,at around 36 post you automatically get a promotion. I don't quite think this is right. I've seen some people do that in one day.I'm thinking this should be changed to maybe 100 or so. STEVE


Ahhhh Ok ... nows it clear... ok... thanks guys....Well i can agree with the 100 or so. but if one does contribute very usefull info. lke we've both seen from some juvis
thats where you the Sharks
should have the say so as to how and when one becomes a jumbo
[This message has been edited by RLV695 (edited 09-13-2000).]


Staff member
Yes, I would absolutely Love to have complete, absolute control over this BB....

Whatever the #'s are required for the promotions, they are done by positive, helpful post...and not soley #'s...least, that's my understanding.
This "promotion" topic sure popular this week!


I agree with Beth because I have not been on this Board for very long and don't have that many posts but I do give input and receive it as well. I now am a Jumbo and have only 48 posts. Thanks for all the input peeps!