OK really need help


i had a fish who was sick i am afraid it was Fish TB, i coudl not catch him no matter what, now he is dead, and someone ate him, perhaps my eel
but my regal tang has been acting a little funny, rubbing herself on rocks, and sand bed, laying down sometimes (not alwasy), has some scuffs from rubbing on her body, her appetite is there, but she hides more than usual now......
is there anything i can do, catching her will be a pain in the ass, i was wanting to treat the whole tank, seeing how my other fish may have gotten the disease too.....
i have some zoo's and some star polyps, a couple of crabs, and a couple of snails, is there anythign i can treat my tank with?
or should i just do a 40 % change and hope it goes away?
Please help


Active Member
Fish TB? not familiar with that, is that another name for ich....try to post this in the disease and treatment forumn for Beth or Terry B to see. Dont do anything till you get advice from there---dont treat your main tank, I'm sure they will recommend QT first. You could just copy and paste your post there to make it easier, unless a mod moves it for ya.