Ok so what can I do to get rid of this stuff?


Hey all. I have pics of the brown stuff that is taking over my tank. What can i do to get rid of it??? It started on my LS and now on my LR.
My tank has been cycling for 2 weeks. It ohas only 2 damesles in it and 6.5# of LR. 46 gal. The reason that I am worried is that it is getting worse not better and with how it is starting to take over the LR I am worried that I will lose the new things that are growing on the LR. Like the several feather dusters. Thanks for all of your help.



I had the same Problem with my new tank. I got a Lawnmower Blenny and he ripped that stuff right out of site in just days.


Active Member
What you have there is called diatoms. It is all part of the cycle process, although it is an ugly part. They will go away. To find out more about them use the search button at the top of this screen, you will find out more about them than you want to know.

the reef

Originally Posted by sw65galma
only if the diatoms start to get coverd in a red algea over the top of them


Hey all. thanks for the replys is there anything I can get to clean this up besides a lawnmower blenny??? I already had a real agressive damesle in the tank and I have heard that the lawnmowers are sometimes agressive. And well they aren't the prettiest things to have in your tank. LOL J/K. Will it be ok to add in now? Tank has been cycling for 2 weeks. All levels look ok. And as far as a clean up crew what should I be looking at??? I have a 46 gal. Thanks again.


Active Member
You do not need a lawnmower blenny. Diatomes are just a temporary situation while your tank is cycling.