ok ok ok ok im sorry these are the last pics im guna take in a long time!!!!
i had the flow off in my tank and took some more top downs .... i know ur all gettin tired of seeing my tank and im sorry for that lol ill hold off on new pics for a while hahaha
thanks begginer10 ... i just couldnt resist getting the individual top down shots on these corals they just always look so much better from above due to the lighting they get there
u can find some smaller versions like around 4-5" but they do kinda grow fast but u can keep a smaller one for a while given u have good lighting and water too
holy crap those are awesome!!!!!!!!!!! sorry for the bad word,,, :notsure: thanks for sharing those ,,,,,i was just in awe in how colorful, and healthy they look.....have a great day...
Originally Posted by murph145
ok ok ok ok im sorry these are the last pics im guna take in a long time!!!!
What a bunch of crap!!! I think it should be mandatory for you to post pics weekly!!! I never get sick of sick of seeing your work!!!
Originally Posted by TX Reef
We really need to set up a trade. I would love some of that purple acro. I have plenty of stuff, just let me know!
which purple acro u talkin about my Valida next to the clam?? it has some awesome coloring on it for sure.... just let me know what ur thinkin about trading or what not and we will figure something out.... i wasthinkin of waiting till spring time cuz i dont know how cold it is out in your area it just might be safer for swapin?
ginarox... thanks yeah thyey are doing pretty good right now and seem to be healthy
shogun323... lol thanks well maybe not weekly but thanks again im glad people dont mind seeing it too much....
BLAZEHOK68.... yeah ive gotten most within the last 6 months and yes they are growing really fast now.... it took me a while to figure out my issue which was Salt related and since changing salts they have done awesome, colored up very nicely, and are growing fast now!
That clam continues to amaze me, Im purposely leaving about a 12*6 area of sand clear just so I can support one of those beauties later on. But I think im gonna fill a bit of that area up with A small short cave, to put corals on top of. Always love your tank murph, I wish I had some stuff to trade, lol, but my tank just barely cannot support acros, just barely tho.
Originally Posted by theappe
damn those pics are top notch!!! very nice!
Thanks! i appreciate that im getting better and better at this picture taking thing lol oh and my tanks gettin more and more color so that helps the pictures too