OK starting a diary



bbI have had my Nano cube 12 gallon DX for about a month and a half. Its been surrounding my life ever seince. I thought i might try one of these diaries to see what ou guys think. My freind's lights broke so he gave me the coral in my tank when my tank was about 2 weeks old, haha. I know a bit sketchy but its doing great now heres a couple pictures from week 3...(trust me its got way better i just need to take new ones, my camera is so hard to focus)
-One blue/green Cromis
- 2 frogspawn
- 1 bubble coral
- 1 Tiny unknown leather frag?
- Cleaner shrimp
- Zoos
- little bit of LR
- 5 hermits all jade
- 1 Atlantic hermit
- 2 fighting conchs
- 1 turbo
- 1 margarita
- 2 nassurious snails
- one penciltip urchin
Picture quality stinks i know..Im new gimie a break. I just hope i can get the pictures up right.



Active Member
You are still cycling. You should have nothing in there.
Maybe done cycling with all the algea in there. How long ago did you complete the cycle?


Well as i said it was my 3ed week before anything other then live rock went in. I also used live sand. I did not expect to have the coral but my freinds lights died so it was either try it in mine or let them die. I did an amonia and nitrite test and it looked good actually. Figured i could put in the cleanup crew and a cromis because it is so hardy. but eveything has worked out so far. im on week 6 and it is awsome. It looks alot different i just need to get new pictures up.


New Pictures. This is after 7 weeks. The tank is doing great. I need some help I.D.ing a coral that i got. I dident pay for it. My freind works at a LFS so he dident know what it was and just gave it to me rather then getting rid of it. Tell me what you think. And again i know my camera is horrible. I just cleaned so my frogspawn retreated.
So far i have added...
- Hairy Mushrrom rock
- 2 false pelcular clowns (my spelling is horrible)
- 2 peppermint shrimp
- 3 Turbos
- 1 margarita
- 1 nassurious snail
- 2 scarlet hermits
- 2 live rock peices
Looking to get..
- A few emerald crabs
- a small goby.. maby randalli ( any info on these guys?)

A work in progress

My hermit chilling in my bubble coral (big isent it?)

Mushroom rock, Neon green tips
Tell me what you think


New Pictures. This is after 7 weeks. The tank is doing great. I need some help I.D.ing a coral that i got. I dident pay for it. My freind works at a LFS so he dident know what it was and just gave it to me rather then getting rid of it. Tell me what you think. And again i know my camera is horrible. I just cleaned so my frogspawn retreated.
So far i have added...
- Hairy Mushrrom rock
- 2 false pelcular clowns (my spelling is horrible)
- 2 peppermint shrimp
- 3 Turbos
- 1 margarita
- 1 nassurious snail
- 2 scarlet hermits
- 2 live rock peices
Looking to get..
- A few emerald crabs
- a small goby.. maby randalli ( any info on these guys?)

A work in progress

My hermit chilling in my bubble coral (big isent it?)

Mushroom rock, Neon green tips

Unknown coral top left. Someone told me green eligance? Its bing with green shimmer on the inside...
Tell me what you think


Active Member
"Looking to get..
- A few emerald crabs"
I have 12 gallon too and I read in a book last night to only put one large crab in the tank. Their idea of a large crab was an emerald or a sally light foot.
Just passing on the reference, I am looking to stock in the next couple of weeks.