OK to add some cleaners?


I went to my LFS to get my main tank water tested and was told that my tank was done cycling. It's only been 2 weeks. Could this be true? I tested the water for ammonia, 'trites and 'trates and got the same readings he did. I ended up buying a few cleaners...8 blue legs, 4 scarletts, 1 turbo snail and 1 sand sifting star. I acclimated them yesterday when I got home and everything seems to be doing well. Does anyone anticipate me having a problem with the new crew? Anything else I need to do? Thanks to all that have helped me so far...I appreciate it!
p.s. I picked up 2 Ocellaris Clowns! :D They're in my QT tank now and look great.

sea goblin

2 weeks is a little short for a cycle, but not unheard of. The only thing that might be a problem is the sand sifting star. They need mature tanks, and a deep sand bed full of critters for them to eat. Also, how long did you spen acclimating the star? starfish can be very sensetive to sudden changes in environemnt, and it is recomended that you spend 5 or 6 hours atleast to get them adjusted to your tank conditions before releasing them into the main system.
Sea Goblin


Also, how long did you spen acclimating the star?
My LFS store told me to acclimate the crabs/star for about 30 minutes. I have read/heard differently and acclimated the crabs for an hour and a half and the star for about 2 1/2 hours. For the clowns, I did about the same. All seem to be doing well so far. The star burried himself rather quickly and he even moved a little bit last night.