Ok, whats going on here


15 gallon tank
20 lbs Aragalive sand
5 - 7 lbs live rock
Maxi-Jet 600 ph
80 degrees
1.025 sg
basic flo lights
RO water
I'm trying to get this tank cycled but the ammonia will not drop.
Previously this tank was a qt with nothing but a bio-wheel, power head, heater, and saltwater. I cycled it with three shrimp. It cycled fine but once I did a water change after the cycle (to get the nitrates down) the ammonia spiked again for some reason (frustrating me) so I just decided to turn it into a small display tank.
So, I added a small amount of cured live rock (curing for my larger tank that is yet to be setup) and 20 lbs of aragalive sand. I turned my bio-wheel off a couple of days ago thinking that may be prolonging my cycle because of the carbon.
Basically my ammonia has been around .25 for 13 days. My Nitrites and Nitrates have been 0.
My ammonia should have went to 0 by now. Any idea what is going on? :help:


Active Member
Some test kits are known for showing a .25 reading in ammonia. Try another ammonia test to see what that reads. Which kit are you using?


Well, I did just switch test kits to Marine Lab from Red Sea because I though it would be a little better. Maybe that is it. Are you familiar with this one? I got it from my lfs. I was using Aquarium Pharmaceuticals before.
Originally Posted by drew2005
Some test kits are known for showing a .25 reading in ammonia. Try another ammonia test to see what that reads. Which kit are you using?


Active Member
Originally Posted by newfishguy
Well, I did just switch test kits to Marine Lab from Red Sea because I though it would be a little better. Maybe that is it. Are you familiar with this one? I got it from my lfs. I was using Aquarium Pharmaceuticals before.
I have the master test kit. every other test kit i use is Salifert. Never had problems with the master test. Sorry im not familiar with the Red Sea ones.


Active Member
i have red sea and havent had any problems with it... its currnetly reading zero for ammonia


Hmm. Well then mine must still be reading .25. It is a little green. When you test for Ammonia is it without a doubt 100% yellow?
Originally Posted by treybomb
i have red sea and havent had any problems with it... its currnetly reading zero for ammonia


Well, it has been 14 days and my Ammonia is still reading .25.

This makes no sense. I think I am going to dump out the whole tank and start over.


New Member
Originally Posted by newfishguy
Well, it has been 14 days and my Ammonia is still reading .25.

This makes no sense. I think I am going to dump out the whole tank and start over.

Before you do that take a water sample to your local fish store and have them test it for you.


Actually I just found my other test kit and tested the ammonia with it as well. It still reads .25. Maybe Ill just wait another week and see what happens.
I'm throwing in the damsels. I need some fish.
Just kidding.

Ill drink my coffee and wait.

Originally Posted by bam20747
Before you do that take a water sample to your local fish store and have them test it for you.