okay heres my tanks what do I need


New Member
Hello all well still havent filled my 150 gallon tank up yet heres the specs of it drilled with corner overflows with a 20 gallon long sump skimmer and return pump. Its all sorted out but light gonna be fish mostly. I have just gotten another tank givin to me turns out to be a 55 Gallon tank. Im wanting to do hang on the back filters what one do I need and how many power heads. Im wanting to do more coral and possibly a star fish and a pair of clowns. Now for my qt tank I have a 20 Gallon I have no filters or anything for this yet what do I need for this one. Sorry for the questions. Wanting to get it all right buying a ro/di unit tommorrow. Please list a couple names or specs. Im trying to find most of the stuff used. Thanks


Active Member
your request is confusing to me. the 150, is it going to be a reef? what corals are you going to want to keep in it?
for the 55, i'd try to get the largest hang on filter i could. you should purchase atleast 1 pound of live rock per gallon on the 150 and the 55. you can skip the hang on filter and purchase a hang on skimmer instead. i hear those octopus hang on skimmers are good for the money.
as for powerheads, you are going to need to figure out what corals you will want to keep to be able to decide what powerheads to buy. for the 55, i'd go with 2 mj's with sure flow mods, or a couple koralia 3's maybe.


New Member
sorry for the confusion. The 150 is going to be mainly fish the 55 im looking at doing more of a reef with some star fish and a couple clowns. Will the small qt tank work? so a big hob filter or 2 will work for the 55 gallon do these need to be bio wheel filters or just like a big whisper filter work? Again im a newbie to saltwater sorry if what im saying makes no sense


Active Member
if you have a good amount of live rock in the 55, you are better off getting a HOB skimmer instead of the filters. the bio wheels are to hold bacteria. the live rock does that for you, so you don't need them.
again- live rock, and a good protein skimmer, are all you need for your tank. the small qt tank will work. i'd use a hob filter with a bio wheel for that tank, without live rock.


New Member
okay so a hob skimmer for the 55 how many power heads should I run 1 or 2 also for the qt tank does this need a power head? or just a hob filter. One last question heaters do I need one for each end of the tank or just a large one for the 55 and 2 for the big tank and one for the qt


Active Member

Heaters should work as you listed.
Each tank you plan on having livestock in needs at least 10x gph and dividing flow is better then all in one place.
If I were you I'd work on one of your DT's at a time. Start maybe with the FO and once you are getting the hang of that tank and how to maintain good water params. then start setting up the reef. Or vise/versa, but you are going to miss something if you are not careful. JM2cents.