okay im done you wont belive y


okay so heres what happened my wife and i decided to run to mcdonalds for dinner and pick up some food and we left our 13 year old son home to keep a quick eye on our 3 year old daughter we go and come back and hes nowhere to be seen turns out he decided to take a shower and leave his sister alone she decided to make a bubble bath with dish soap in my reef tank
:mad: so everything is now dead she didnt just put a few drops in the tank she put the whole bottle in. as soon as i saw this i didnt know what to say to her and walked back out side before i blew up i was so mad and still am lucky for me my wife is alot better tempered about things and had the first few words with both of them and no it wasnt a calm tone. I cant belive all that money and time and the poor fish what a bad way to go. sorry to wast every ones time with my sobbing but just needed to vent and was wondering if anyone has had somthing like this happen to them before?
thanks for reading and talk to you all later


Active Member
So sorry to hear about that. I learned a lesson, I'm 15 now, when I have kids the first thing they know is DON'T TOUCH THE TAnk!


I hate these stories. My 7 yr old LOVES to help me with the tank. I keep her at a good distance, afraid of her helping when I'm on graveyards lol


exactly my daughter knows not to ever touch the tank had it for 2 years and the last year its been salt and never a problem dont know what came over her today. she always watches me and helps me to an extent with water changes and cleaning but she did a good one this time.


tell her soap cleans people, dishes, clothes, and cars....not fish tanks
big no no really sorry about your loss


i did something like this when i was about 3
but it was with a freshwater tank so it was alot easer to replace....... sorry about the loss...


Originally Posted by rainstate6
okay so heres what happened my wife and i decided to run to mcdonalds for dinner and pick up some food and we left our 13 year old son home to keep a quick eye on our 3 year old daughter we go and come back and hes nowhere to be seen turns out he decided to take a shower and leave his sister alone she decided to make a bubble bath with dish soap in my reef tank
:mad: so everything is now dead she didnt just put a few drops in the tank she put the whole bottle in. as soon as i saw this i didnt know what to say to her and walked back out side before i blew up i was so mad and still am lucky for me my wife is alot better tempered about things and had the first few words with both of them and no it wasnt a calm tone. I cant belive all that money and time and the poor fish what a bad way to go. sorry to wast every ones time with my sobbing but just needed to vent and was wondering if anyone has had somthing like this happen to them before?
thanks for reading and talk to you all later

A 13 yr old watching a 3 year old...you are lucky all you lost was your fishtank :thinking:


Thats a major bummer...in 10 years you'll look back and laugh...but wow...I dont know what Id do.
sorry for your loss,


Today I'm installing a small little lock on my cabinet door so my girlfriends son doesnt go and throw his crayons or worst dora's bubble bath soap inside my wet-dry filter, if anyone has small children and has cabinets your best bet is to install handles on them and then get child proof locks, very cheap, i'll hurl if that happened to me, sorry to hear that man.


The top of my tank is too high for the kids to get into and there isnt really anything they could bring in or climb on to get to the top. However, when you turn your back our 18 month old will walk over and start POUNDING on the glass! I think the fish are gonna team up and sneak out Nemo style and get even with him someday soon


Originally Posted by ctgretzky9
A 13 yr old watching a 3 year old...you are lucky all you lost was your fishtank :thinking:

Thats what I'm thinkin too... bummer about your tank though.


Yeah that banging on the fish tank is not cool, lil man does that too, so now i threaten him by saying i'm going to put him in the tank and he stops, :)


OK I am sorry for your loss. I would be just as mad if not worse.
But let me say you need to breathe, and add a period or two into your story. I went blue in the face just reading it.
This is probably not the time for a grammar lesson. I never was good with timing.
Well you should be glad you had enough sense to walk away from the situation to cool down instead of taking your anger out on your kids.
It is better that you came to the board to vent.
Again I am sorry for the loss. And hopefully one day you will be able to laugh at this event.


Wow, I would have blown the {edit} up :mad:
. I don't think I would have been one bit mad at your daughter. However, I know your son knew better then to leave her alone. This is just one of the situations where you have to learn from your mistakes. I don't think you should give up. After all, you can still use your rock, and your tank.(After a good Cleansing) Thats most of the start up cost right their. I really am sorry for what you lost
. It really sucks. Hopefully your son and daughter learned a lesson from this. But you can't be mad at them forever. Look on the bright side, you'll get to start over and not my any newbie mistakes.


ya all of my live rock is still ok and only one coral made it my cup coral its all in my qt tank right now. As for the coment on me leaving my 13 year old son to watch her he is very responsible althoug this doesnt show that but i have alot of trust in him. i cant be to mad at my daughter because i should have bought a hood like my wife said and ive always been afraid of somthing like this happening. I already cleaned the tank and am already waiting for my tank to cycle, I cant just walk away from this hobby im hooked for good.
thanks for all the replys and listening to my venting.
already having good ideas for starting over :thinking:


Active Member
I'm glad you're not giving up. I have three kids ages 10,8,and 4 and I'm just waiting for something like this to happen.


Active Member
i can only imagine how upset you both are at this one i know at one time my 16 yr was teasing his sister with chapstick he accidently threw it into my sump omg i went balistic from that alone i think i would become homicidal for dish soap.im sooo sorry for your loss.dont give up the hobby i know its not going to be easy to start up again but look on the bright side your sons allowance can pay for most of it and you still have all of your equipment..this is one of those good vinigar moments