okay to foster for a bit?


my best mate's son dumped window cleaner into his tank, he has two yellow tangs, a purple tang , a Koran Angelfish and three Ocellaris Clownfish , in his 150 gallon tank.
can i foster these fish in my 75 gallon until he gets his cleaned up? right now i have one three stripe, a blue damsel, two small Yellowtail Damselfish and a Tomato Clownfish. am I asking for trouble with so many fish or am I okay for a short stint?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 3M
my best mate's son dumped window cleaner into his tank, he has two yellow tangs, a purple tang , a Koran Angelfish and three Ocellaris Clownfish , in his 150 gallon tank.
can i foster these fish in my 75 gallon until he gets his cleaned up? right now i have one three stripe, a blue damsel, two small Yellowtail Damselfish and a Tomato Clownfish. am I asking for trouble with so many fish or am I okay for a short stint?
Your be asking for trouble!! Cause if you have any live rocks in your tank and they go in to hide when you try to catch'em, you'll never be able to unless you remove your rocks an drain the tank down to catch'em plus that's one huge bio-load to add to your tank all at once. His best bet would be to remove ALL his stuffs and drain out ALL his water for a 100% water change plus running carbon!!! Keep his fish in a QT for the time being, but you sure can foster 1-2 of'em though without any problem. :happyfish

sinner's girl

ditto, I'd say too many fish to add at once to your tank.


we've found another bloke who has room in his 150 for a few and I'm gona foster the purple tang for a spot while things settle back to norm


perhaps but we've found a local bloke willing and he just up the road a bit