okay whats the real deal?



I've been hearing different stories from all of my lfs dealers.
This is this and only that for that ...blah blah blah blah.
I want to know the real deal.
I have 3 36" power glows for my 77 gallon fowlr tank.(30 watts each)
I have 15 pds live rock and 90 pds live sand.
1 yellow tang
2 green chromis
1 scooter blenny
1 tomato clown
various cleanup crew members,starfish,hermits,turbos
Does live rock need a certain amount of light?
Is my lighting sufficient for my tank (fish only).
And i have a cheap protein skimmer (lees's )plastic crap is that skimmer enough? And what kind of skimmer will be enough (hang on) And I have a fluval 404 for a filter, Is that enough?
Thankx, confused???


Active Member
I don't mean to be rude but pounds is represented as lbs. I was told normal lighting would be sufficient enough for a fish only tank


Active Member
Your setup is fine for fish only. If your skimmer is pulling out gunk then it is working just fine. Give your perameters and maint routine. Live rock has nothing to do with light. If you want to keep corals on the live rock then lighting becomes an issue. The lower light will actually retard algae growth letting the corraline algae grow. If you keep the filter cleaned on a monthly basis then yur 404 will be fine. Fish will do fine with any light. The amount of light depends on what looks good to you. One bulb would work just fine but the tank may look kindov dark.By just adding more light, and calcium you could actualy start a reef but that is a whole other world.


jlem how do you clean your cannister?(jus wondering) i don't want to lose any bacteria.
And with the lighting what should i buy?I want ot keep a few inverts,(to start off maybe an anemone, pink tipped).


Active Member
How old is your tank. Anenames will take alot of light, so you have to get PC, or VHO. VHO's run cooler. You could probably keep mushrooms with a couple 10k's and an actinic with the light strips you have now. I am not sure the spectrum on the power glows, but I really like the 10K, and the actinic bulbs used together. How long has it been since you cleaned your filter. If you have those ceramic bio block things then just put them into a small bowl of salt water and put them back in after it is cleaned. I don't have a fluval but I fill my magnum with saltwater before I hook it up to the tank.