Old Stagnate Tank


New Member
A friend of mines 75 gallon has been sitting for about 6 months. Somehow his cleaner shrimp
and a bunch of snails are still alive and kicking. Anyway, if I move them from his stagnate tank to my tank do I need to worry about disease or anything coming with them. I know fish can get ich obviously but can a shrimp or a snail get something that I should worry about introducing into my tank? I know I'm going to get yelled at but no I don't have a QT tank. My 55 has only been running for a few months and I need a bigger clean up crew. So I figured I could take this stuff and save its life while saving me money. Thanks for the help.


Staff member
Where there fish in the other tank? If not, then you should be ok.


New Member
There were fish in the other tank but its been a good six months of so. Am I still good?
Thanks for the help beth.