Oldest fish?


Active Member
Who here has very old fish? I think that this is neat becuase it goes to show if your fish are well kept they will live long. Ive heard of fish going on 20 years. Anyone here go over 5? I think that is a great accomplishment. Please post the tank size and specs. Lets make this fun.


My green chromis is about to turn 5 in a month or two. He's been in my 46gal for just about all of his days. I'm surprise because maybe a year and a half ago, I had a very bad algae breakout and I basically just gave up. Since then I've been struggling algae blooms on and off but the chromis is still going strong.


Active Member
Thats awsome!! I myself would be happy to keep a fish for 3 years. I had FW for a while but you could pour soap in the tank and they would live lol.


Active Member
I have a tomato clown that's at least 10 years old and he's still going strong. Until recently, I also had a false perc clown and a four-stripe damsel that were about the same age, if not older, but they didn't survive a prolonged power outage. Since the tomato did, I'm guessing he's pretty hardy.


Active Member
i have an enginer goby that will be 3 this fathers day, he was my first fish, i also had a algea eater fish (fw) that lived for 10 years that thing was huge and had some ciclids that were about 5 years old


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
WOW!! 10 years! Thats amazing. Great job.
Yeah. I'm pretty bummed about losing the other two though. They all basically grew up together and it would have been interesting to see how long they could have all kept going.
As for freshwater, I had a couple of Chinese Algae eaters for a long time and eventually gave them to a cousin of mine. I don't think I could have killed those things even if I had tried. Maybe the hardiest fish ever.


I have a yellow clown goby going on 21 years!! :jumping: Plus, he might be a few years older then that since he came from other tank that was previously set up.


I had a pink tail trigger for 13 years, then I moved and gave the tank to a friend who still has him, he's about 19 now. Get to visit him every spring, lol. He's in a 125, from day one. His buddy, a huma huma is going on 17.


My just-shy-of 5yo domino damsel just passed.
He was the meanest son of a gun- couldn't keep anything with him besides inverts. So, although I'm sad he's gone, I'm kind of excited now because I can start with a clean slate. Any ideas for a nice 15gal stock? Must be reef safe!


Active Member
I have had most of mine for over 5 years now, tangs, clowns, Drawfs, Hawk...plus an Anthia that the guy I got it from had 5 years so its at least 10.